tictact2 -------- This version is for two players. To play, simply use numbers 1-9 to place your X or O. The numbers make a similar grid as to the playing field..... 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 Mode will pause the game, and clear quits. If you want to get rid of the little opening thing I made, simply delete the code from the line that starts..... Horizontal 3.1 to..... Pause Right after the pause is the following two lines (don't delete them).... 0->A 0->B Well, enjoy the game. Send any questions or comments to cakewalk@voicenet.com. I've changed email addresses, so if you're looking for PopF12345@aol.com, that's me too. Please send mail to the voicenet address (I have some other programs up here that you could have questions about). Code comments: When you cut and paste the code from the program to emails, certain characters are undefined, so the email program uses ASCII values. I had to change some things around. So, when you see this... -> it means STORE (right above on button) Á it means THETA (right next to Z key, hit alpha first) ø it means NOT EQUAL TO (under TEST) That should be the only problems after I fixed the other things up. Well, good luck. Here's the code..... ClrHome Func:FnOff :AxesOff:ZDecimal Horizontal 3.1 Horizontal -3.1 Vertical -4.7 Vertical 4.7 For(A,.5,1.5,.5) Circle(0,-.5,A) End For(C,6,70,32) 8->A For(B,C,C+16,3) Text(A,B,"X" A+5->A End 8->A For(B,C+15,C-1,-3) Text(A,B,"X" A+5->A End If C=6 Text(1,9,"TIC" If C=38 Text(1,41,"TAC" If C=70 Text(1,73,"TOE" End Text(46,8,"BY:" Text(53,4,"JEFF FREEMAN" Text(46,65,"PRESS" Text(53,64,"-ENTER-" Pause 0->A 0->B Lbl 1 ClrDraw 0->S 2->O "X"->Str1 DelVar [F] {3,3}->dim([F]) Text(1,1,"PRESS 1-9 TO PLACE X OR O." Text(8,1,"MODE PAUSES : CLEAR QUITS" Line(-4.7,1.4,4.7,1.4) Line(-1.8,1,-1.8,-3.1) Line(-3.2,1,-3.2,-3.1) Line(-4.6,-.3,-.4,-.3) Line(-4.6,-1.7,-.4,-1.7) Text(20,53,"X-SCORE: ",A Text(28,53,"O-SCORE: ",B Line(.6,.5,3.4,.5 Line(.6,-.3,3.4,-.3 For(C,1,9,1) Text(57,53,Str1,"^S TURN" getKey->Á 0->Á While Áø72 and Áø73 and Áø74 and Áø82 and Áø83 and Áø84 and Áø92 and Áø93 and Áø94 getKey->Á If Á=22 Pause If Á=45 Goto QT If (Á>72 and Á<74) or (Á>82 and Á<84) or (Á>92 and Á<94):Then If Á=72:Then 1->G:1->H:End If Á=73:Then 1->G:2->H:End If Á=74:Then 1->G:3->H:End If Á=82:Then 2->G:1->H:End If Á=83:Then 2->G:2->H:End If Á=84:Then 2->G:3->H:End If Á=92:Then 3->G:1->H:End If Á=93:Then 3->G:2->H:End If Á=94:Then 3->G:3->H:End [F](G,H)->K If K=0 O->[F](G,H) If Kø0 0->Á End End If Á-74<0 .5->Y If Á-74>0 and Á-74<10 -1->Y If Á-74>10 -2.4->Y If Á=72 or Á=82 or Á=92 -4->X If Á=73 or Á=83 or Á=93 -2.5->X If Á=74 or Á=84 or Á=94 -1->X If O=5 Circle(X,Y,.4 If O=2:Then Line(X-.4,Y+.4,X+.4,Y-.4 Line(X+.4,Y+.4,X-.4,Y-.4 End If O=5:Then 2->O:"X"->Str1 Else 5->O:"O"->Str1 End If C>5:Then For(Q,1,3,1) [F](Q,1)*[F](Q,2)*[F](Q,3)->S If S=8 Goto XW If S=125 Goto OW End For(Q,1,3,1) [F](1,Q)*[F](2,Q)*[F](3,Q)->S If S=8 Goto XW If S=125 Goto OW End [F](1,1)*[F](2,2)*[F](3,3)->S If S=8 Goto XW If S=125 Goto OW [F](1,3)*[F](2,2)*[F](3,1)->S If S=8 Goto XW If S=125 Goto OW End End Text(35,53,"DRAW" Goto E Lbl XW A+1->A Text(35,53,"X WINS" Goto E Lbl OW B+1->B Text(35,53,"O WINS" Lbl E Text(43,53,"-PRESS-" Text(50,53,"-ENTER-" Pause Menu("ANOTHER ROUND?","YES",1,"NO",QT Lbl QT ClrDraw ZStandard AxesOn ClrHome
© 1997 bckcoats@ix.netcom.com