R & B Babe Nick Carter (YM Special)

Claim to fame: BSB's chart-busting self-titled album and the adoration of tons of girls.

YM: What's the scoop on your next album?

Nick: We're writing a lot of the tunes, so we have input. [It's] a growing process for all of us.

YM: What do you think of BSB knockoffs?

Nick: It's weird to see groups similar to us. We try to do our own thing. As our single says, "We've Got It Goin-On."

YM: If you could add a celeb to the BSB lineup, who would it be?

Nick: We're a solid group. No one could be replaced or added. I'm sentimental like that.

YM: How does a sensitive guy like you set the make-out mood on the first date?

Nick: I take a girl to the beach at night--when the moon is out and the water's calm. We'll stare at the stars, talking about everything.

YM: Ever used your singing talents to make a girl swoon?

Nick: Yeah, I've serenaded girls. I like singing old Boyz II Men tunes. Those songs are really romantic.

YM: What's the craziest thing you've ever done for love?

Nick: I once left roses on a girl's doorstep, but I haven't really fallen in love yet.

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