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-Ixnay on the Hombre




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The Offspring are:

Bryan "Dexter" Holland - Vocals
Kevin "Noodles" Wasserman - Guitar
Greg "K" Kriesel - Bass
Ron Welty - Drums

From a small unknown 80's punk band to one of the most well-known musicians around the world, The Offspring have often been credited to bringing punk music out into the light.  However, The Offspring don't limit themselves to punk; instead, they incorporate various styles of music into their songs from grunge to hard rock while even sampling sounds from the Middle East.  Their eclecticism is what sets them apart from other punk bands, who, for the most part, hold a notion that all punk music can be nothing more than the monotony and repetition of fast-paced guitar, bass, and drums.  The Offspring have set themselves apart, and by doing so, they have carved their names into rock 'n roll history. 

New album news! Check out the news page for information about the new album, including release dates, song titles, and your chance to win $1,000,000! 

If you have a website dedicated to The Offspring and want more traffic directed to your site, join The Offspring WebRing.  This will automatically link you to more than fifty other Offspring sites on the web and it's free.

Do you really think you know everything about The Offspring?  Take The Offspring IQ Test #1 or #2 and find out if you're an Offspring Genius.


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