Pen and Ink on Crap Paper, (unfitting of the subject)
9th August, 2001, two years and one day after I bought Pump
This is actually one of my favourites even though it's WRONG. There is something about ink that is so powerful... and that smile too, and the pose...
I have this one on my bedroom wall. I have lots of them there, actually. I sleep WELL at night, thank you!
The writing beside him was inspired by a particularly mean comment about his smile in a magazine - do you know what they said? There was a picture of his daughter Chelsea with him and Mia and Taj and Teresa and she's smiling, and they wrote something like, "She has her father's smile, which only in the Tyler family is possibly not a compliment" or something like that! How brainless do you have to be? How stupid, how hard do they have to look for material?! Anyway, it says:
Your smile, to my own grateful eyes
Is the best t'be found anywhere.
Those thinking not or otherwise
Can be damned for all I care.
A little harsh, but screw that. You can't say that kind of stuff about that smile; not where I'll see it.