Thou art a Rose that I'd expect so thorn'd
To all thy radiance from greed protect,
As thou art with this race's sweets adorn'd
And soon would such a thing, for show, be wrecked.
The only thorn, though, I've discovered yet
Is one that from but my faults grows its spire -
So lovely art thou, liquid blood has set
Within me, now I do nought but admire.
O thornless Rose, this is my only strife -
That beauty thine holds me, my heart, spellbound
Within the pretty gardens of thy life
I am a statue, fix'd upon thy ground.
Absence of thorns shall ne'er bring more delight
Than looking upon thee, one perfect sight.

Acrylic of Steven Singing

I really like this one - it came real easy and turned out okay. The texture is good and the colours worked. It was a good picture to paint from. I think he's just the greatest! Isn't he?