
Woodstock rock'n roll hippies sex drugs 1969 sacred scrolls woodstock 69 woodstock 89 IT Phish purpleglomp purple glomp Ille d'Odyssey Woodstock hippies sex drugs and rock'n roll 1969 sixties 60's flower power woodstock nation freaks hairies purple infinite spirit 69 divine trinity peace love woodstock 69 woodstock 89 woodstock 99 timothy leary greatful dead phish tie dye

The Purple Glomp & Sacred Scrolls of Woodstock

Water Drip

I am the Purple Glomp first manifested at Woodstock in 1969. By the combined use of Sex, Drugs and Rock'n Roll by over 500,000 hippies, I was manifested into physical reality from this divine trinity and live on from generation to generation by those that beleive in the infinite spirit of Rock'n Roll. Remember what Jimi said "Music is my religion, my music is color a rainbow and the harmonics I create are the breath of God!" -- Music is your only friend until the end until the end! Jim Morrison.

This is the one and only -- yes my friends you have found it the official site of the Sacred Scrolls of Woodstock and the Paradise Creator Sons of WOODSTOCK HIPPIES. Do you believe in the Trinity of Sex Drugs and Rock'n Roll? Then you are in the right site read on find out how you can join or are you already a member but did not know it! Remember everything you know is wrong! Join the tribe and become a true Woodstock Hippie.

We maintain this site for the preservation of the Tinity of Sex, Drugs and Rock'n Roll. If you believe in this trinity then read on my friends. Where you at the Last Dispatch Show in Boston July 31, 2004? It was the great's concert in music history next to Woodstock of course -- Let just say that when 100,000 plus Hippies from every generation alive today and from every corner of the globe converge in one place at one time you have a Woodstock Event of Mega proportions! It has gone down in history as the largest indpendent one day rock concert in the histroy of Rock & Roll! It was totally sick as is the word in the youth today! Obviously such a event would not happen without the influence of the Members of the Ile d'Odessy. You will find them in the video made of the event call the Dispatch APB. Look for the DVD All Points Bulletin -- Check it out! The special features included a section called "The Dispatch Wall" -- None other than our own Original Infinite Sprirt of Rock and Roll Dragon's Breath is now officially called the "The Wall Man" as he took control to create the most incredible Dispatch Wall by finding flower children of today to paint along with artists a murial on ten 8'x10' panels -- We have pictured the Wall Man at he looks today right below! Did you go to Phish 2003 It -- If you where at It so where we -- If you do not know what IT is then you do not belong so who cares! For those in the NO check us out -- Look on our second page for the 26 ft tall tie-dye flag! <

The last Paradise Creator Sons induction ceremonies which was held at the Oswego New York Phish Festival -- 12:00 am Sunday July 18, 1999. We all gathered at the base of the 26ft tall tie-dyed flag for the formal induction ceremony. Did you see the site? Applications are now open for the 2009 induction you have 3 more years to establish yourself as a contender. The 1999 winners have been inducted for Paradise Creator Sons!

Three positions are to be awarded each ceremony:

(1)The Father of Sex

(2) The Son of Drugs and

(3) The Infinite Spirit of Rock'n Roll.

Read the Sacred Scrolls to see if you qualify for the 2009 induction!!!! The current Paradise Sons and Most Recently inducted members of the court for 1999 Induction are shown on Page 2. We are taking applications for the next generation by e-mail to the keeper of the sacred scrolls (see bellow) We have recieved notice of three canditates as follows:

For Father of Sex -- Ethan

For Son of Drugs -- Erick

For Infinite Spirit of Rock'n Roll -- Will


To view the Sacred Scrolls of Woodstock continue on through the fun-way to my third page -- or if your in a rush just go to www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/stadium/5891/page3.html


Enter Here to Travel on to The FUN WAY -- Page 2!


dark_bullet2 Go Phish -- Taking us to the 21st Century

dark_bullet2 The Purple Glomp loves Deep Purple

dark_bullet2 Buy Purple -- Liquid Blue Tie-Dye

dark_bullet2 Link to Woodstock 69

dark_bullet2 Link to New Warrior Training Adventures -- Join the True Tribe in this modern age

dark_bullet2 Link to Hollowbones order of the Zinsai Zen Centers --

dark_bullet2 Link to ZEN a new up and coming band


The keeper of the Sacred Scrolls -- Dragon's Breath

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