If you are, by chance, puzzled by all this WAREZ and FTP and MP3 nonsence, I recomend that you take a look. Be warned! Educational Prposes only! (If you are thinking that my page might be smutty, it's not. So stick that in your todger and smoke it, Ouch! (The British, and clued up antipodeans(eeek another strange word! Get a dictionary) like me, will get references to things like todger. Bollocks to all you that don't understand PS Y'all must be confused now.
Have you heard that Barbie Girl Parody, Ugly Girl, it's very funny. He He, were you hit by a train, he he, >>Snicker<<. BTW does anyone know who made it. GET IT HERE MP3 format.
Clever Under Construction HUH? Its not mine, but it is public domain. Go on take it. Better than some bulldozer crap.BTW do you like my horizontal rule thingi (the seperator tingimabob).
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