The Right is Right

The Liberals and the Little Guy

by Wesley Thoene
The Liberals and the Little Guy
Well, the liberals are at it again. Again, we see the liberalism rearing its ugly head as a determined few again try to take the viewpoints of a minority and impose them upon a vast majority of American citizens.

Now I could go on and on about this topic, but I'm going to try and keep it short and simple. The liberals are always trying to come across as the group who supports the little guy against a government which overlooks and steps on them. Now I'm all for looking out for the little guy and having every voice heard, but this gets taken for granted. A recent poll has shown about 80% of Americans believe the phrase should be left in there, and I do, too. But liberals believe the voice of the other 20% should set the rules and standards for our country.

And therein lies the problems for liberals. They are so hard-pressed to help the "little-guy" that they alienate the vast majority of the population. The last time I checked, this country was founded not on the rule of unaniminity, not on the rule of the minority, but on the rule of the MAJORITY. This is another attempt by liberals to impose the beliefs of a few onto the vast majority of the population. As a Christian, I'm shocked that churches have not been more outspoken on this issue.

The same point about liberals could be made about the looming Iraqi war. The liberals have formed another "vocal minority" which seems to dominate most of the major media outlets. However, the latest polls show 74% of Americans are for protecting their country by taking out an evil regime. That means the other 26% is the group who is always on tv, on college green protesting, or is blasting Bush with letters to the editor everyday. (These same people like to represent the guy without a voice, yet they seem to overlook this point whenever it comes to fetuses murdered by way of abortion or to the suffering Iraqi people being brutalized by a dictator.)

The message is clear to us conservatives on both counts. We must hold true to our beliefs- we are usually the majority and we should act like it without apology. Finally, we must not let the beliefs of the minority of the population rule our lives- whether they're pushing God out of our country or dictating a dangerous policy. 1