Name: Jenna Salvagin

Friends since: Febuary 2001

Relationship: Good Friend

Drink associated with: Smirnoff Ice

Taught me: If you give someone a chance, they will show you where they are coming from

Quotes associated: "I love you.... in a way" "It's like our own little world under here."

Fav. times together: Summer 2002, Rant sessions, spitting contests, Art Club, hitting pheasants, Warped Tour 2003, Bronx Zoo, Montague-Bizzaro Land, Media Play meetings, Jimmy's House

So many laughs with jenna. In all honesty, there was a time I could not stand her, but she has grown on me, kinda like a pleasant freckle, positioned in just the right spot. Anyways, thank you for always being a good friend and always having amusing stories from work. thank you for always striving to grow and thank you for being yourself. I admire you for that, by the way. 1