so here I go!
I finally bought the new ND album, and have all of the songs on my computer from Napster, the company that better stay open, and I must say I am still surprised by how mellow the album is. But, through all the mellowness, two songs stick out. They are SIX FEET UNDER and BATHWATER. I think they are prolly the best songs on the album, while the worst- uh, that has to be STARING PROBLEM. The idea MIGHT be cool, but it needs a take two.
And I need to bitch too. #1... If you don't like something I say, you can grow a thicker skin. The reason behind this is because I poke fun at EVERYthing. If I find something funny, I am going to share it. So, if one joke cracks on you or your creed, i don't need to hear about how it makes you feel. #2... Internet Explorer is the crappiest piece of software out there, so some things on my page may not work if you are using that filth... I suggest you download netscape (hell, it is free). and, #3... I AM NOT NO DOUBT. So many people on my guestbook are like "Oh my god you are the best band" and "Your album is great..." Well, you know what... I don't have a band or an album... if you keep on thinking I am ND I am going to e-mail you back and say that I am making an appearance at your local mall, and you're gonna wake up nice in early to be the first person in a line that doesn't exist, and the people are gonna look at you cause you haven't showered and your breath smells really bad.
and this new quote is............
"There are places I remember all my life..."
If you think you know the answer, click here
Opinions about the album, my site, or me calling drowning kids stupid???? well, get off your ass and E-MAIL ME
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