Here you will find various pictures of my friends that I actually come in physical contact with! : )
Here is my friend Ian(left) and Stesha(right). They found this monkey position rather amusing so I decided to capture it so they could forever be taunted about it by me! ; )
This is a close friend of mine named Tami. Her and I share a common bond....we both have perverted minds. Lately she's stayed off the drugs, so everyone's doing just fine now! :)
This is my friend Stesha. She has quite the odd sense of humor. We always seem to find something oddly amusing in drama class, such as the always amusing walk behind the mirrors. Little inside joke there. : )
This is another picture of my friend, Ian. He had to participate in a small skit and his rols was to play a pimp. I think he pulls it off rather well, with or without the pagers and cane. ; )
These are my friends, Nick and Charlotte. They just make the cutest little couple it makes me sick. Charlotte's quite the Sailor Moon fan, which frightens me to death and Nick's just your all American farm boy from Nebraska. They're so perfect for each other, it's scary.