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MrCartman's Homepage

Hello! In case you are a complete moron and can't tell, I'm MrCartman and this is my home on the World Wide Web! This page was designed to tell the outside world a little bit about myself, since I live my boring life like a hermit.'s a little bit about myself and what I like to do in my large abundance of spare time.

My given name is Dustin Plaisance. I'm 5'4, 134 pounds, and live in Westwego, Louisiana, a city which is often called "The City of 7 Smells." I spend most of my dull existance eating, sleeping, watching TV, insulting my friends, enjoying the fact that I make poor grades, being depressed, feeling sorry for myself, loving, and hating. A select few people at school have a nickname similar to my real name which they know I hate, and upon viewing this page will probably call me even more often.

Now I know you're probably thinking 'gosh, this guy really SUCKS!' and are anxious to get the hell out of here. But, before you go, please take the time to visit a few of other pages, which I'll so graciously provide a link to. BTW, if you have IRC, you can find me on UnderNet as MrCartman.

MrCartman's Food For Thought- Here you'll find a few ideas which I think would make the world a better place to live in.
MrCartman's Alternative Midi Page- Here you'll find 200+ alternative midi files, zipped of course, ready for download.
MrCartman's Page O' Links- Here you'll find assorted links to all sorts of things.
MrCartman's Happy Page :)- Here you'll find a list of the VERY few things/people in the universe that make me happy.
MrCartman's Lynch Mob Express- Here you'll find a list of people who I think should be hung and why.
MrCartman's List Of Practical Jokes- Here you'll find an extensive list of various ways to practice the art of pissing people off.

Are you a nosy bastard? Then view my guestbook!
Make me happy and sign my guestbook!

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