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This is the official homepage of Fidonet Echo MUSICISTI.ITA, hosted by the keeper of Worlds of Wonder, that is Francesco Galli. The aim of this page is to provide information about Italian musicians, either professionals or amateurs, as a way to exchange ideas and experiences.

Questa e' la homepage ufficiale dell'area Fidonet MUSICISTI.ITA, ospitata dal proprietario di Worlds of Wonder, ovvero Francesco Galli. Lo scopo di questa pagina e' di dare informazioni su musicisti italiani, sia professionisti che amatori, come mezzo per l'interscambio di idee e esperienze.

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Distribution:BB routed - Italy only.
Topic: (in short) Interchange of experience about musicianship; harmony; life as a musician.
Moderator:Francesco Galli at 2:332/606.36
Related Italian areas:MUSICA.ITA, MIDI.ITA, HIFI.ITA
Related International areas:TABLATURE, MUSIC_CONTACTS, BASSGTR

More info on Fidonet/Altre informazioni su FidoNet:

FidoNet is a communication system based on the BBSs (Bullettin Board Service) created by amateurs. FidoNet is absolutely non-commercial in nature, and has always had a primary role in contributing to the interchange of experience, communication, and to the development of the shareware concept (every FidoNet BBS has an enormous list of shareware/public domain files avaiable for free download at speeds that Internet Websurfers can only dream of).
Fidonet is strongly against piracy, whatever it is on software, music material and everything covered by copyright; pedophilia; Illegal use of the Net (as opposite to Internet, which is totally out of control).
For more info on FidoNet, feel free to mail me and I shall be happy to help you. For additional info on FidoNet, visit the webmaster section on Worlds of Wonder.

FidoNet e' un sistema di comunicazione basato sulle BBS (Bullettin Board Service, traducibile come "servizio di bacheca") creato da amatori. FidoNet e' per natura assolutamente non commerciale, ed ha sempre avuto un ruolo primario nel contribuire all'interscambio di esperienze, alla comunicazione, e allo sviluppo del concetto di software shareware (ogni BBS FidoNet ha un'enorme lista di files shareware/pubblico dominio disponibile per il download gratuito, a velocita' che qualsiasi websurfer Internet puo' soltanto sognarsi).
Fidonet si oppone fermamente alla pirateria di qualsiasi natura, sia essa di software, materiale musicale o qualsiasi cosa coperta da diritto d'autore; pedofilia; uso illegale della Rete stessa (a differenza di Internet, che e' totalmente fuori controllo).
Per informazioni ulteriori al riguardo di FidoNet (ad esempio, sulla BBS piu' vicina a voi sul territorio italiano), aspetto vostre mail, e saro' lieto di potervi aiutare. Per altre informazioni su FidoNet, visitate la webmaster section su Worlds of Wonder.

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Musicians on the echo/Musicisti nell'area:

Information on the musicians is for experience interchange purpose *only*. Below, you will find a list of the most active users of the echo, along with some information on what they play, how, and what topic they are most happy to discuss.

Le informazioni sui musicisti sono fornite al *solo* scopo dell'interscambio di opinioni. Sotto troverete una lista dei piu' attivi utenti dell'area, insieme a qualche informazione su cosa suonano, come, e quali argomento sono piu' "felici" di discutere.

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Luca Cervasio

Instruments played: Piano, electric guitar
Musical tastes: Rock, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Blues, Classical
Musical Activity:
Instruments owned: Kawaii acoustic piano, Ibanez electric guitar
Main topics of interest: Anything!
Fidonet address: 2:331/374.64, 2:331/301.65
E-mail address:, or

Dario Feola

Instruments played: Bass guitar
Musical tastes: Reggae, Funk, Rock, Crossover, Acid Jazz
Musical activity:
Instruments owned:
Main topics of interest:
Fidonet address: 2:335/244.22
E-mail address:

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Davide Fregni

Instruments played: Piano (classical music - jazz - rock - funk); classical and electric guitar (classical - jazz - rock - funk); Keyboards; Church organ; Fretless acoustic bass (jazz - rock - funk); flute; various percussions.
Musical tastes: Davide listens and appreciates everything :-)
Musical activity: Teaching, head of the Quodlibet Music Lab, jazz pianist, jazz soloist, TV jingle composer. Davide is also active as a conductor and creator of theatre music.
Instruments owned: Every instrument played.
Main topics of interest: Preferably jazz and classical music, but overally everything.
Fidonet address: 2:332/529.31
E-mail address:
URLs: The Davide Fregni Trio Homepage tells some about the trio Davide plays in, whereas is his personal homepage.

Timoti Fregni

Instruments played: Violin, piano, guitar
Musical tastes: Classical Music, rock, '70s prog.
Musical activity: Orchestra violin.
Instruments owned: Violin, acoustic piano, classical & electric guitar, Studio 88 plus mute keyboard, Roland SC55 expander.
Main topics of interest:
Fidonet address: 2:332/518.21
E-Mail address:

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Francesco Galli

Instruments played: Bass guitar, classical guitar, keyboards
Musical tastes: Progressive Metal, Black Metal, Progressive Rock, Classical Music
Musical activity: Bass player for Vighilia, solo project Bards of Silence.
Instruments owned: Yahama TRB6 6-string Active Bass, Eko classical guitar, Creative Labs Blasterkeys, Acoustic Piano, Charvette electric guitar. Also a 12-string guitar and a wonderful X5D Korg workstation.
Main topics of interest: Composition, Advanced bass thecniques (tapping and slapping)
Fidonet address: 2:332/606.36
E-mail address:,
URLs: Worlds of Wonder

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Davide Gribaudo

Instruments played: Actually None. Keyboards for score reading and midi input pourposes only. Bass guitar, Classical Guitar, Tenor and Alto Recorder until about '90. Clarinet until 1985.
Musical tastes: Everything from the sound of Big Bang to the trumpets of the Apocalypse.
Musical activity: None.
Instruments owned: Lots of multitrimbral modules and other stuff.
Main topics of interest: Algorithmic Composition, Advanced Digital Signal Processing Techniques, Soundscapes, everything else.
Fidonet address: 2:334/100
E-mail address:
URLs: keep an eye on

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Giulio Laurenzi

Instruments Played: Electric Guitar
Musical Tastes: Rock, Hard Rock, Blues, Metal, Grundge
Musical Activity:
Instruments owned: Gibson Les Paul Custom, Ibanez Road Star II Series, Marshall Jubilee 2555 Reissue head, 4x12 Marshall AV stack
Main topics of interest:
Fidonet address: 2:331/341.507
E-mail address:

Luca Logi

Instruments played: Violin/Viola; Keyboards; Church organ; Piano (classical); recorder.
Musical tastes: mainly classical.
Musical activity: Arranger/composer; department manager in opera house in Florence (music library, music instruments and audio recording).
Instruments owned: Violin, viola, piano, personal recording setup, recorders.
Main topics of interest: classical music (including history, theory,performing, publishing problems)
Fidonet address: 2:332/101

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Rosario Marino

Instruments played: Organ, Harpsicord, Electric guitar
Musical tastes: Baroque music.
Musical activity: Student of Organ, Harpsicord and Composition; composer, arranger, keyboard player and guitarist in various bands; Organist & creator of the Vauda Choir (TO), organist at the choir of the Musical Institute "Cuneo" at Cirie' (TO); Organist, Cembalist & Director of the baroque & neobaroque ensemble "Euterpe". Also organ and piano soloist, electronic music composer, Rosario has worked on soundtracks for movies and theathre operas.
Instruments owned: Yamaha Clavinova, Fender Stratocaster
Main topics of interest: Baroque Music, study fields.
Fidonet address: 2:335/610.24
URLs holds Rosario's personal homepage...

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Marco Muzzati

Instruments played: stick santour, pick santour, darabukka, tarr, bandir, tammorra, bell carillion, tabor, baroque timpanis, various sistris
Musical tastes: Classical music, medieval music, traditional ethnic music, rock, jazz, fusion
Musical activity: Professional percussionist on Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua, also plays percussion on many other medieval music orchestras.
Instruments owned: almost every kind of modern/medieval/ethnic percussion instruments, including the ones played. Also drums, classical guitar, various flutes, Korg M1 synthesizer, Akai S900 sampler.
Main topics of interest: Medieval music, percussion
Fidonet address: 2:332/403.43
E-mail address:,,
URLs: Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua Home Page is the homepage of the ensemble Marco regurlaly plays in; otherwise check

Marco Pragliola

Instruments Played: Electric Guitar
Musical Tastes: Everything, with Metal above all
Musical Activity:
Instruments owned:Yamaha Pacifica 1221M Guitar, Yamaha RGX 121 Guitar, Ibanez Road Star Series II Guitar
Main topics of interest: Weird Guitar Playing, Composition, MIDI and sampled music, guitar practicing
Fidonet address: 2:335/719.25
E-mail address:

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Important messages of the echo and various material is avaiable on f'req at the Fidonet Node 2:332/606, Night & Day, which answers the following number: +39 584 389210. You can also f'req the magic names MUSICA or BASSO to have a list of all music-related material in the BBS.

Messaggi importanti passati in area e altro materiale vario e' disponibile in f'req al nodo Fidonet 2:332/606, Night & Day, che risponde allo 0584-389210. Sono disponibili i magic name MUSICA e BASSO per avere una lista dettagliata di tutto il materiale musicale presente in BBS.

Area Documents/Documenti dell'Area

Policy Area - Policy dell'area MUSICISTI.ITA (in Italiano) - vecchia versione (a scopo di referenza)
Policy Area - Policy dell'area MUSICISTI.ITA - nuova versione (quella valida)
Regole Generali - Regole generali di comportamento in un'area echo (echopolicy) postato direttamente dall'ex REC 033, Marcello Ardini (in Italiano). Dati non piu' vincolanti, solo per referenza.
EchoPolicy V4.0: nuova echopolicy dell'attuale REC 033, Lelio Della Pietra. Attualmente valida.
F.A.Q. area MUSICISTI.ITA, in perenne aggiornamento. Raccomandatissime.
Coming soon a file with all the faces of the echo users for use with OLRs.

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Feedback page - Your comments mostly wanted / i vostri commenti sono piu' che graditi
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