First off . . . why is it passworded?

For those unfamiliar with the past . . . the original Den was open for anyone and everyone to post . . . but due to those annoying porn assholes posting and reposting on the board and also people who were present only to cause trouble, it came to pass that a passworded message board would be better because it would be more comfortable for the lunatics who rule the roost.

I wanna join the mayhem . . . how can I?

That's easy. Since it is a Yahoo! Group, if you already have a Yahoo! ID you can use that. If not, all ya gotta do is choose a username and a password (see below for info on passwords) and then click the link: Get Registered. You will be prompted to email me, the person you have to register with FIRST AND FOREMOST. After that, if I accept your submission, I will invite you and you will be given the proper links. There, just follow their directions. Please note, it might take 24 hours for you to be added to the Group after that, so please be patient with me. Once you're all set up, Yahoo! will send you an email notifying that you have been approved and you should be able to log in and check out the Den!

How should I choose my password?

Choose one that you'll remember but do NOT make it so obvious that anyone can come in and guess it. This includes the band's name, band members' names, etc. Make it something personal that you'll remember but not something others will be able to guess. Remember, I don't have access to or control over that type of information. That's why you need to bear in mind that obvious passwords can cause problems down the road.

I lost my password! What should I do?!

Well since passwords are a private thing, they're not accessible by me. I do NOT have access to them. You know, that whole privacy issue thing. If you forget/lose your password, go to the Yahoo! Group page and click on Sign In, then click on the link for Password Lookup.

Okay, how the hell do I use this thing?!
What can I do and what can't I do?

It's not as scary as it seems. It works like any other message board. Posting is easy, just click on the link that's on the left hand side of the page! Same thing with posting replies. Just bear in mind, I am moderating the board so it might take a little while before your messages are posted. I am doing so due to some trouble that these Groups tend to attract. I want to keep the Den as comfy as possible, so I hope you all understand. In addition to posting messages, you also have the ability to load up pictures to share with other members, as well as download pictures others have posted. The chat option has been turned off, but I may turn it on later and set up scheduled chats .... we'll see .... um what else?  Oh I will be setting up Polls every month for you guys to vote on .... but you guys can create polls too so your fellow Denners can share their opinions with you too .... The calendar, for now, is open to everyone to add info to. Mainly, your birthdays and if you know when Leps will be on T.V. .... use this option wisely .... but, you guys know me: "Don't be afraid to play," that's my philosophy!!  Lastly please note: members do not have access to other members' information. This is done to keep your privacy and not be attacked by other Groups who are trying to recruit members. I know if you want to go sign up for other Groups, you'll do that on your own :-)

What's up with the whole banning thing?

Well, if someone comes in to cause trouble or decides to go against any of the rules, I can ban them. Makes it really nice when unsavoury characters come in . . . I can make sure they can't come back. This is because the Den should be a comfortable atmosphere for its members, not a tension filled atmosphere. Some people will be denied access to the Den, those are generally people who will make the Den an uncomfortable place, and I will be very specific about the members who join.

What could get me banned?

Rude behaviour. Unruliness, insulting others, bashing band members or anyone ASSOCIATED with them . . . you are allowed to have an opinion about them but just don't sit there and say nasty things for no good reason.

ALSO, please keep in mind that if you willingly allow someone to come in to the board to cause trouble using YOUR password, etc, YOU WILL BE BANNED. Even though YOU did not say those things, letting someone else use your login is a big no-no.

Please, all I ask is that you all respect each other. That's the main thing. If there is a scuffle or disagreement, let's at least try to work it out somehow. Don't make me start signing "Work It Out" now all out of key and stuff . . .

It's passworded so it's private right?

No, it's not as private as you might think. Remember, any information shared on the message board is open to be read by ANY of the members. It might be passworded, but please remember, you're not the only one present.

What if I no longer want to be a part of the Den?

That's your choice . . . all you gotta do is sign in to the Den and click the Leave Group link. It's that simple . . .

Not all my questions are answered, what now?


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