The Age of Electric currently have seven videos, several of which were in heavy rotation on Muchmusic. Here we've provided a list of the videos, and a short description of each.
directed by John Ecles
The pants are leather, the hair is long... it's vintage Age of Electric! This is a great video; it starts off with an eerie shot of a window, its curtains billowing in the wind. Inside the small house, a fortune teller has the guys gathered around a table, telling them their fortunes with tarrot cards. Everything's going smoothly until Todd tries to take a peek at one of the cards, and she tells him to get out... all of this goes on between clips of the band playing on a large stage. Anything else we could say here just wouldn't be good enough; you have to see this video for yourself!
directed by Derek Horn
This video was reportedly finished filming, but the editing was never completed. Director Derek Horn has said that he'll finish it one day, just for laughs.
directed by Derek Horn
This video is definitely one of the AOE's best. It follows Todd through the hallways of some sort of apartment or hotel. It features a barrage of characters, which were played by the band's friends. Some of the characters included a one-legged man, a guy with a mannequin fetish, a tempermental man cleaning a shower, a half-naked newlywed (?) couple, a hooker, a maid (played by Kurt), a boxer (beating up John), an artist, a woman beating up her boyfriend, a reluctant groom (played by Ryan), and the groom's "lovely" bride. The video ends with the band playing on a stage to the residents of the building.
directed by Derek Horn
This whole video is basically the band playing in a large room. One of the great things about it is the lighting, used to create a shadowing effect. Most of the video was filmed in black and white, but there are different screen shots of red and blue. If you pay close attention, you'll notice the band is standing on a six-pointed star surrounded by a circle...
directed by Derek Horn
In this video, the AOE is playing on a dock or barge on the waterfront. There are also clips of a young girl playing with toys in a plastic tent. Throughout the video, the tent moves locations from a field to a lakeside. The girl becomes distraught when bubbles keep popping as she tries to catch them. She destroys the tent and breaks through the plastic of the tent walls.
directed by Derek Horn
Imagine if channel 4 really was a sort of AOE network... This video features lots of strange clips from TV shows, and is filmed to appear as though someone were channel surfing. The band is performing on channel 4, playing in a high-ceilinged room, while other channels offer odd pieces of programs, including bear-wrestling, western movies, and lyposuction. During the video, we get to see a few nice close-ups of the band's dental work. :) The video ends with Kurt accidentally beating up the camera.
directed by The Age of Electric and Dave Paiste
This video features clips of the band's performance at the David Hawkes Modern Rock Circus, which took place last April. There are also sped-up clips of John smoking, the band carrying Ryan and then dropping him, and Kurt sliding head-first along a counter. Todd is featured sitting in a living room on an orange couch, which he decides to jump up and down on, and then falls off of it. There's also a cameo appearance of a black cat walking across the screen...
This video could be the most creative of all of the AOE's videos, as most of it is seen through the eyes of a "pest". The video begins with the band doing various things (cooking macaroni, playing video games, etc) in a small white house, when the pest suddenly runs into the house and subsequently interrupts a surprised Todd in the shower. The band is quickly driven crazy by the pest and begin to destroy the house with sledgehammers and hockeysticks in an attempt to kill it. Kurt seems to be affected most by the pest and takes an axe to parts of the house (anyone else remember The Shining?). Eventually, the Arbutus Pest Control man arrives, but the pest escapes outside and into a piece of construction machinery, which it then uses to destroy the house. This goes on while the band continues playing the song in a room of the house, even as the ceiling caves in on them. This is definitely the funniest of all the AOE's videos. :)