good in others

looking for the good in others
looking for the good in others
look for the good in others
looking for the good in others

look for the good in others
and they'll find something wrong with you
something they can use for a bottomless pit
find your strength and kindness
and we'll find weakness in you
and talk around you
looking down through you
give all the love you can
and you're a free love freak
misunderstood by the paranoid
judging to protect themselves
paranoid equals selfish
selfish equals scared
scared to lose their souls
scared to lose control
giving hope fulfilling soul to selfish propositions
paranoid equals
paranoid equals
look for the good in others
and they'll look for something good on you
something they can use and forget
look for the good in others
and we'll think you've got something to prove
a battle you can't lose
a bottomless pit