Hmmmm....i was about 3 or 4 here, my first santa claus meeting...I think i took it pretty well. Look at my hippie bro here tho....glad i never looked like that! :)
Here's me AFTER i realized how much not getting that new Gangsta B*tch Barbie can ruin your life at Christmas....I think i "gave it" to Santa (if ya know what i mean), but of course, no one took pics...
ahhh.....the great canadian game...yup! i was an avid fan of the sport....now, im more into keeping up with the physical structure required (yeah right!) with a little off season in-line skating, but it's just not the same! what i wouldn't give for an ole classic game of stickball down the street...
*eyes well up* memories! forever and always, my fave amusement park will tried and true be the ORIGINAL Canada's Wonderland park near Toronto. Look at this: Flintstones!...one of my faves...now tell me what heartless corporate exec had the nerve to wipe out Smurf Village??