Side Projects/Collaborations

My info on all this ranges from reliable to "I have no idea what I'm talking about". I should point out, I live in Nevada, so if you read "I don't know anything about Dooms UK", don't flip out (if you assume I live in Denton or something). I could stand to use a lot of information laden feedback if you could help me out..

So far, my modest information that I previously did not already know comes from the Dallas Observer, the Good/Bad Art Collective web page, helpful e-mails, and signs from god.

As of right now all photos in this section come from the Dallas Observer. Where would I be without them?

Legendary Crystal Chandelier

Mark Hughes--bass, vox
Peter Schmidt--vox, guitar
James Henderson--guitar, vox, keys

The LCC is the brainchild of Rock God Peter Schmidt (ex-Funland, ex-Three On A Hill). Mark I guess is supposed to "sit in" on bass, but sitting in seems permanent. The LCC is greatness.

Website at this url.

unnamed, "Dirty Sanchez" untentatively

Mike Rudnicki--guitar
Todd Lewis--vox, bass
Taz Bentley--drums

Pretty hard rockin' stuff, borderline "metal" in a 70s kind of way which sees Mike wailing on the guitar like a mad man. Slight chance says that shows might occur, check back here for further info.


Mike Rudnicki
Mark Reznicek

Gods of rock cover some obscure 60s tunes.


Mark Hughes--bass
Glen Reynolds--guitar, vocals
James Henderson--guitar, vocals
Matt Kellum--drums

A Blur tribute band (or Blur cover band if you fancy).


Mark Hughes--bass, vocals
Glen Reynolds--guitar, vocals
Jason Weisenburg--guitar, vocals
Ben Burt--drums

Glen (Liquid Three/Chomsky) and Jason (Bobgoblin/Commercials/Adventures of Jet) wanted to start a band together but were more or less between bands and tough times in original music. Liquid Three was breaking up and Bobgoblin was getting dropped by MCA, so the idea to do a cover band was a bit more appealing. The two enlisted Ben (Brutal Juice/Tommorrowpeople/Pinkston) and Baboon's very own Mark to do a Weezer cover band. And that, my friends, is Weener.

Mark HughesGlen ReynoldsBen BurtJason of Adventures of Jet
Discography: none
Upcoming Shows: none


Andrew Huffstetler
Mark Hughes
Clark Vogeler
Mark Reznicek

Originally a tape made by Clark (Funland/Toadies) with Andrew sometime around when the Toadies were recording their as of yet unreleased album, early 1998. There are plans to add new material and do shows, but packed scheduling by both the Toadies and Baboon make it difficult.

If anything does happen, the Mighty Two Marks will most likely fill out on bass and drums.

Discography: "Mommy" demo tape
Upcoming Shows: none/unknown

Rock Lotteries

Codename Fuck
Mike Rudnicki
Jon Cunningham--Corn Mo/Dooms UK
Lisa Dirocco--Butterfly Nation/Wayward Girl
John Freeman--The Dooms U.K./The Dutch Treats
Melissa Rooney--Smart Horse

Steve Barnett
Jacob Duncan--Little Jack Melody/Two O'clock Lab
Will Kapinos--Jetscreamer
Rob Peters--Greenella
Deron Pulley--Breadbox/The Banes

unknown band name, November '99 Andrew Huffstetler
Kyle Cheatham--Ditch Kids
Bill Ivy--EFF
Chris Wheat--Bedhead
Alex Sargeant--Gospel Swingers

The Rock Lottery is an occasion for the Good/Bad Art Collective. The G/BAC enlists members of local bands and randomly puts them together in a spontaneously created band. The created band must come up with and perform original music that day. For better or worse, I have not seen a rock lottery myself, so I can't tell ya if it works out well, but everyone who takes part in it is a definate name in the Denton world (Ted Wood, John Freeman, Brent Best, Dave Willingham, etc.).

Budapest One

Steve Barnett--drums
Keith Killoren--guitar, vocals
William Pollard--bass

I'm not too firmiliar with Budapest One, but Steve's role was as a temporary one as a sit in drummer until BOne finds a permanent one. As of now, I believe that the Budapest have found their drummer.

Discography w/ Steve: Goodnight Little Girl of My Dreams LP
Upcoming Shows w/ Steve: none

Six Hard Brothers And A Dog

Steve Barnett-drums
Chris Ice-guitar
Jimmy Smith-lead guitar
Joey Edwards-bass
Dylan Thompson-vox
Monk-backing vox

My introduction and entire experience of Six Hard Brothers And A Dog simply begins and ends with the absolutely great One Ton Records compilation Hell's Lobby.

Steve was gracious enough to drop a line about the band, and it went something to the effect of:

Thought I'd fill you in a little bit on the Hard Bros.

We started out as a group of guys who all shared the same dorm wing, which was known as the Ghetto. We knew each other because we were neighbors, and because, being ghetto-ites, there was sort of a gang mentality. We put on performances right there in the hallway, irritating everyone, and at that point we were called 'SWING WEENIE.'

Swing Weenie included a drummer (not me) that had a home-made drumset made out of cardboard boxes, buckets, tin cans, etc. I usually played guitar. The membership was sort of nebulous, and we never really played any actual shows, but we were voted "Favorite Bruce Hall Band" anyway, just on the strength of our "legend" and our truly amazing series of fliers. The day after we were voted best band, we put on our first actual show, which in many respects failed miserably. After that, the group re-assessed itself, rehearsed with some line-up changes and some instrument switching, and at that point we became Six Hard Brothers And A Dog.

The members of this extraordinary band were one Chris Ice, who played guitar, Jimmy Smith who played lead guitar, a guy named Joey Edwards who played bass, the incredible Dylan Thompson on vocals, "Monk" on backing vocals, and me (Steve) on drums. This was the first band that I was ever the official drummer for. We wrote a couple dozen original tunes, and recorded a fine demo called "Have Some Snacks." There was also a "Snack Manifesto," but it's too complicated to explain. Besides the musical projects, this group of freaks also created a full length video rockumentary about the band, which mixed real life with some amazing dramatic acting and on location footage (for instance, part of the storyline called for an assassination attempt, so we drove to the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, realistic fake-gun in hand, and shot the scene right there, in broad daylight, while pedestrians passed by in absolute horror). This band, unlike Swing Weenie, played many shows, and since we "broke up" we've had a couple reunion shows, too. There is a slight chance that maybe, just maybe, the group will reunite again at some point, but not in the forseeable future. The reason I bring this up is because I ran into Jimmy the other day, and he felt bad upon reading "NONE! EVER!" under the 'Upcoming Shows' category. If you could include the above information, and maybe change the "NONE! EVER!" to "WHO KNOWS?" it would make some old friends of mine happy.


Discography w/ Steve: Have Some Snacks tape
Upcoming Shows w/ Steve: WHO KNOWS?

Dooms UK

Mark Hughes--bass
Mike Rudnicki--guitar
Steve Barnett--drums
John Freeman--well, hell he IS Dooms UK
James Henderson
Jon Cunningham
DJ Geeky C
Ian Bjornstadt
cast of thousands

John Freeman, artist extraordinaire's band. Unfortunately for the sake of info on this page, I know more about John the artist than I do John the musician. What I do know is that Dooms UK is one of the quirkiest, most hilarious, and actually addictive bands on the planet. If anyone knows who else was in Dooms UK *whilst* Baboon members were in, let me know!. Also, I personally am interested in finding out more on the Dooms for myself, definately let me in on the poop if you have any info. Newest record can be found at Hot Link Records.

Discography w/ Baboon members: Greasy Listening
Upcoming Shows w/ Mike and/or Steve: none/unknown.

.357 Lover

Steve Barnett--drums
James Henderson
Jon Cunningham

Know little about this band outside of the fact that they rarely play. I believe that Sam McCall, one time Brutal Juice member has sit in with them before, but I can't confirm that.

Upcoming Shows:none/unknown


Actually, I think Mark Hughes--bass has just filled in for the folks of Chomsky maybe once or so.

Website:, aye?

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