THERE was once this cute little ducky and he had everything he wanted .......but he was very lonely... so he went around and he tried to find some friends... he found many freinds.. but most of them were fair weather one day while he met this cutiepie whos name was skittles.... skittles knew how to make ducky feal  all good bout himself and how to make him laugh...... she introduced him to kanderaving , skittles and ducky  were exactly the same,. they shared the same thaughts, and heart.. it was like they were drumming on the same bongo... till one day when the evil murky kidnapped ducky...... which tore him to pieces.... he was depressed that hed not be able to see skittles again.....the sunshine seemed to be blocked by clouds, was like he was making pop corn but needed a new micro wave.....murky's plan to steal the sunshine from the couple seemed to be working....but skittles did not give up hope... one day she  followed a little black rainclowd,,,,,,until she reached it.....hovering over a honey tree..and she hugged the tree (u see huggs from skittles could make anything or anyone open up) so she walked in and found murkys secret hide out.......she found DUCKY......but ducky could hardly walk he was to depressed.....but she nibbled his earlobes and instantly the love and color flew back into him........the couple found murky and cornered him........theyy huggeld* him and huggeld* him until even he had some happyness......he ran away and the couple was safe and ducky was alright because he cannot die because his love for skittles is 2 strong,  and everything is safe from murky.........until next time