Jasons Page

This is my homepage. I have lots of tab links and official band links. I hope you like it.I"m a Jr Im 16.I drive a geo storm. Im in a band. Were called Ransom.If you couldn't tell by by back ground.I play guitar and I do the vocals.We mostly play a lot of heavymetal and punk. I listen to mostly punk and heavy metal, here lately I'v been getting in to a lot of ska. I skate I'm not real good but I like to skate. Feel free to take any gif's or pictures you want.Here are some pictures of me and my band.later 99 jr. year pic 98 talent show.oldbass player
99 summer washing the car Last year my youth group from Oak forest church of christ went on a trip over spring break.Here's some pic's from our night in pittsburgh. Here are some pictures of some of the bands I like.

Here's some links to where I get all my tabs from



Daves awesome guitar page

Abracadabra guitar tab

Carlos Santana tab
Some ok tabs has some weezer If you have any other tab sites please e-mail me.Here's some more cool gifs and pics.