Tony's Childhood

Tony Hughes was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on November 29, 1973, which, incidently makes him a Sagittarius.

He came from a family of performers, and so it isn't surprising where his talent comes from.

From the age of seven he's been on stage, since a production of Hans Christian Anderson where he had only one line.

That sparked an interest in acting in the young Tony Hughes, and he became immersed in many acting classes and productions throughout his life.

It wasn't until eleventh grade that he became interested in singing a cappella, when he went on a band tour to Toronto.

His Career

During eleventh grade, Tony experienced a spark of luck which lead to his change in interest.

When, for some reason or another, one of the singers of the Aden Bowman Collegiate Choir couldn't make the trip to Toronto, Tony went in his place.

The group evolved into an a cappella group then known as 'The Beau Men', and Tony met Aaron for the first time, eventually joining with BJ Harris and Ward Arnold to for the now popular STREETNiX.

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