S a l u b r i o u s M e l o d i e s : Published Stuff
(Salubrious Melodies: published stuff)

Salubrious Melodies: Reviews

This page is still being constructed.

This page is meant to be the reviews that I have written - but fuk it - only I know that!! So here is a link to a review about a cd that I put together!!
Skankin' is reviewed here...

Here is another review of Skankin' from Bombshell zine.

Here is the review that appeared in Beanz Baxter #9
Topnovil Trash Radio (demo) Independent, released June 2001 Reviewed by Lucinda.

Topnovil are an awesome old school punk band from the Illawarra region of NSW (just south of Sydney). They have been together for a number of years and have grown from strength to strength.

There have been a couple of line-up changes, but Daim (bass and vocals) and DD (guitar and vocals), two of the original members, have been joined by Mick (guitar and vocals) and Adam (from Neveready on drums). And this recording is testimony to the brilliance of this combination!

The Trash Radio (demo) begins with a sample from the movie Scarface and sets the tone for an honest and open confrontation. It then tears straight into the title track of the CD. Trash Radio is a song all about the inanity of commercial radio which is in complete contrast to seeing live bands. Sidewalk Riot addresses the perils of skating on the sidewalk and the points out yet another area in need of change – being able to be young and have fun without being hassled by the police. Gutless describes the actions of many of those spineless people out there. Wasted and Action Boy are two highlights of earlier recordings. Action Boy is the song that won the Channel V State of Origin Punk Off competition for NSW!!

These first three tracks are all new ones and demonstrate the maturity of this band as songwriters. This is their third release and serves as a poignant marker of their ever-expanding abilities as songwriters and musicians. It is always SO refreshing to hear a band where the bass playing is incredibly creative and is an integral part of the sound of a band.

As far as deciding which is the best track, I must admit that this was a very difficult task – especially considering that all five songs have been favourites of mine at some time or another. I guess that I would have to say that Gutless and Sidewalk Riot would have to be the best on this release – for musicianship and songwriting reasons – as well as the political content (I can’t go past a song that has something decent to say).

They also have an impressive web-site that has news, links, lyrics, bass tabs, photographs, merchandise and more! For more information or to contact them for shows go to http://www.topnovil.live.com.au or email topnovil@live.com.au 1