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After the performance of IILYG they started singning autographs and everything... Then I went straight to Shane and asked him if I could have a hug and he hugged me! Boy, I was happy! : ) Nicky was near Shane so I went to Nicky and asked him if I could have a hug and he said "Yes, of course you can!" and he hugged me and thanked me for the hug (!) !! Nicky was very polite...Then I went to Bryan and asked him to smile for my camera and I took a great pic of him! : ) Then I went to Kian's and asked his autograph and he was sooo sweet... Well, I asked him also if I coud have a hug and he hugged me really tight! He also thanked me for the hug! Kian was sooo wonderful... Then after that I went to Nicky (again!) and asked him for an autograph. I got the autograph and after that it was time for them to leave! *SOB*
Well, we ran to the backdoor and saw them coming out the door! I was trying to get Mark's autograph (which I didn't have yet) but I didn't have a pen and no one could lend me one so I lacked his autograph... As I was waiting Mark to walk through the door I realised I was standing right next to Bryan and I was touching his back while standing there... woohoo... ; )
As they already had got in the van we waved at them in front of the car's window but we couldn't see in the car because the window glasses were so dark! So I didn't see who were close to the window but I could see someone waving back at us! : )
They were also going to perform at this very big charity concert in the olympic stadium later that evening and I of course got tickets to that concert! Well, sadly my seat was very far away from the stage and we couldn' t recognice which one was which of them when they were on stage... But luckily there was a screen and we could see them on the screen! The only performed IILYG... I wish they had performed at least 2 songs! But their performance was great (at least all that what I could see of it!) and me and my friend were so mad that people around us looked at us like " what's wrong with those two?!".... hhehheee...
Well, that's what happened on wednesday! I'm so happy that I met them!!!!!! : )

Story written by Elli.

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