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Then came Nicky. He was pretty quiet the whole time of the meeting, though he did say hi to me, but I guess he looked a bit tired… Poor-Nicky:)
So I did kinda pass him because the next one after him was Bryan! (Ya'll got the sound that I'm into to him? Yup you're right! ;P) He smiled at me VERY cutely, but MAN all the time he just ate LOADS of CANDY what he had got earlier. He ate them like he was chewing gum or something! :D Then came Shane and when I was kinda between Bryan & Shane I just asked with a sound "Btw, how are you doing?" I just FINALLY opened my mouth, and I think I was the first one who got the guts to open up… the Swedes were just like "hi, umm bye". (Ya know what I mean?)
Shane almost tripped from his chair (at least it felt like it) and reached his hand towards me and said "Oh we're so good, and you?". Then we just shook hands I was like I'm all GOOD :D Then I also asked from him that "what songs you are gonna play tonite?" Again he answered as enthusiastically as before and said "Oh, LOADS of songs", and as I was getting the talkative side out of me I continued… ;) "So Flying Without Wings then?" And he answered "yeah, definitely, definitely" and again I continued, "Oh great cuz that's my favourite song. I just simply love it. And because I'm into gospel kind of music so…" AGAIN I made some silence to the room, Bryan and Mark (who was the last one after Shane :) listened to me very carefully with Shane.
Alright then last but CERTAINLY not least (A tip again… Yup I just can't help it that he IS so sweet!) came Mark. He was very sweet also, but a lil bit shy and quiet as he always is... But I didn't mind it. You see after we got to stay to the room I got this REALLY nice pic of Mark. I was standing quite close to him and I just said "OI MARK!!" And he looked at me and posed for me! And I almost didn't succeed in it cuz I just HAD to watch him a lil while through the camera...but he waited! :) And after the pic I said to him "Oh Thank you SO much, I appreciate it!" He BLUSHED! Awwww..... Bryan was still eating the candies and he even started to fool around, he just stuffed ( and I REALLY mean STUFFED!) LOADS of candy to his mouth and chewed it and looked at us, like yeah man this is SOO good :) lol
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