Do you
feel guilty about shelling out on clothes or cars?
Nicky: Oh, yeah. But, when I tell my mam, she just says,
"If you can afford it, treat yourself." So I do!
Kian: And we need to look good for our fans,
Nicky: Yeah, but what's wrong with a £20
Kian: Man, if my dad knew what I spent on
clothes, he'd kill me!
Do you
hang out with other celebs a lot?
Shane: When we went on tour we shared a tour bus with
Ronan and Keith from Boyzone.
Bryan: Yeah, we often go out partying with them.
Mark: It's good to see Ronan let go a bit. He's
been famous for so long, you forget how young he really is.
Sometime's he's not the cool pop star at all. He gets really
excited about things - just like a kid. I think he's missed out
on a lot by being famous.
Are you
worried that you're missing out too?
Mark: Kinda, there are so many things we can't do now.
Nicky: I know we're never gonna have our old
lives back.
Shane: Yeah, I don't like going out in my home
town any more 'cause you're never sure whether some people are
gonna hug you or hit you.
Bryan: Yeah, and they expect you to buy them
drinks the whole time.
Shane: That's why it's much better to just put
on your trackie bottoms and stay in and watch TV...
Kian: And get your mam to make your tea, just
like the old days.
The others: Awww!
page 4 of this interview
© 2001 Pami