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TOP OF THE POPS/JUNE 2000 Are they really fools? Only one way to find out! KIAN and BRYAN, step up and face our all-new Lottery...

What piece of school work are you proud of?
Bryan: I wrote a project about drug abuse which the teacher gave me an 'excellent' for. I presented it in a nice, clean, see-through folder and I've still got it in my room at home.
Kian: I was really proud of my performance as a newsreader in our primary school play. My mum used to make me take my poetry trophies into school and the teacher would insist I showed them off. Kids would give me stick for it but I'd just say, 'Yeah well I have a trophy and you don't.'

You claim to be songwriters yet none of your own songs were included on the debut album. Are you rubbish?
Kian: No, but the songs we wrote back then weren't good enough. We weren't very experienced at songwriting at the time but there will definitely be Westlife songs on the second album. We've picked up loads as we've gone along but you're either a songwriter or you're not.
Bryan: Shane and I have written seven songs together so far. Kian's worked on a couple of them with us and Mark's written a few tracks too. Shane and I work well together. I usually come up with the lyrics first and then we both figure out the melody.

Have you ever snogged to a Westlife single?
Kian: Yeah, Flying Without Wings came on the radio once while I was mid-snog. It wasn't exactly embarrassing but I thought, 'Oh no, I can't believe I'm snogging to one of my own songs!'
Bryan: I snogged to I Have A Dream. I was dancing with a girl in a club and the DJ played it on purpose. I stopped snogging and sung it into the girl's ear.

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