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Can you tell infatuation from love?
Kian: Yes. Infatuation dies off after a while but love goes on forever. Mind you, love can fade away too if you're away from the person for too long.
Bryan: I haven't got a clue and it gets me into trouble. Luckily I've only once told someone that I loved them when it was only lust.

What was the last lie you told?
Kian: I told my mum I was too busy to talk when she rung me up earlier but really I needed to go the toilet!
Bryan: I lie every morning when our tour manager tries to wake me up. I'll say, 'I've just taken a shower, I'll be downstairs in a minute', when really I'll still be in bed. Usually I only have time to throw on my clothes before we leave and then I have to shower when I reach the next place.

What other business ventures would you like to invest in?
Kian: My brother and I are talking about setting up a studio and producing our own dance tracks. My brothers are very musical and Tom and I have already mixed some stuff together which sounds great.
Bryan: I'd like to open a bit glitzy casino in Dublin but I'll have to wait until they abolish the strict gambling rules in Ireland. When they do I'll be there every night sitting at the blackjack table trying to win my own money!

You never dance in any of your videos. Don't you have any rhythm?
Kian: Yes I do and yes I can dance. It's just that our music doesn't really require many dance moves. I don't like dancing in clubs actually but I have been taught salsa. Who taught me? (Very mysteriously...) Oh, just this girl I know.

How much money does Ronan receive from your singles sales?
Kian: Nothing. Nor do we. None of us receives anything from Westlife singles. It's album sales that make us the money. How much does Ronan receive from them? Naughty, naughty... (Pauses to ponder this for five minutes.) A lot. It depends on how many albums we sell.
Bryan: Let's just say he gets enough and it won't be any different with the second album. We have a contract with the management and the record label and we're not going to change anything.
(No fools at all then!)

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