What was the mood like before opening night?
Kian: We were in rehearsals all day. I was a nervous ball because we’d only done one dress rehearsal at midnight the night before.
What do you do in the dressing room before taking to the stage?
Shane: We got together, give each other a hug, say a little prayer.
Bryan: We also have an entertainment centre in there. It’s got a telly, a DVD player and a playstation, so we play games. We play football and Mark plays Spiderman, and we have Gran Turismo as well.
How do you make sure your voice stays in good shape?
Bryan: Ask us about that toward the end of the tour when we’re knackered!
Mark: Hope for the best! It’s like this – I didn’t get many spots even though I only washed my face with water instead of fancy moisturiser, so I think the natural way is best. I hope just drinking water will keep my voice strong. Apart from that, talking a lot beforehand loosens up the vocal chords!
Who chose all the clothes for the show?
Mark: We asked our stylist Dave to design them. Big up to Dave for making us look good! I’m sure people know by now I don’t care about clothes so much so we’re very grateful Dave is there to do it on our behalf!
How do you cope with quick costume changes?
Mark: I don’t! It makes me worry too much. I’ve been late for Uptown girl every night so far. It’s a running joke now – I’m the guy in the garage who never gets to work on time!
Nicky: I haven’t just had hairy moments, I’ve had bushy ones! Getting into the boiler suits for Uptown Girl is impossible. You keep trying to put your feet in the sleeves…
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