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Do you worry about dying or getting old?
Not really, no. Some days I'll think about what it's going to be like when I'm really old. Sometimes I worry if I'll ever get a disease, God forbid. If I ever get one of those terrible diseases... It's just horrible. I pray to God I never get anything like that. I don't worry about it every day - maybe once a year, but then I do really wonder what it'd be like to have something like that. What would it be like to leave behind a wife and kids? Terrible.

When was the last time your feelings were hurt?
I haven't had my feelings hurt in a long time. This business has made me more mature - I look at life in a different way. We've seen the world, every country, and you don't usually see that until you're 30 or 40, if at all.

Are you embarrassed by your naked body?
Not really, no. Well, sometimes, yeah. If I look at myself in the mirror naked, I don't get embarrassed cos it's me. But I might think I've lost a lot of weight or I look too skinny - or put on weight! Know what I mean?

Do you spend much on beauty products?
I use one facial cream, PH5.5 Because wer wear make-up so much we break out in spots easily, so I wear it afterwards. I use moisturiser if I shave before a shoot cos wearing make-up straight after shaving can bring you out in a rash very easily.

Do you get nasal hairs or ear hairs?
Yeah, but not badly - I've never had to clip them. They don't grow, they just stay up there. I'm a very hairy person, but I swear I don't get them there.

What keeps you awake at night?
Headaches sometimes. I had one last night and I was awake until about 5am. I took a tablet and it went away eventually. Sometimes if we have a single coming out I stay awake wondering if it's going to get to No 1. Especially now, with the amount of No 1s we've had, there's a lot more pressure on us. It gets harder with every No 1 you have. It just gets harder.

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