When you're this gorgeous and this famous you're bound to have had your picture taken a ga-zillion times! But do Westlife enjoy it? Well Hot! found out...
Do you like your picture taken?
It doesn't bother me now, really. When we first started out we were so conscious of our image and every single snap being taken, but now it just feels like part of the job, we've got quite used to it.
Did you enjoy having your snap taken when you were a kid?
Oh yes! I never really shied away from the camera, I was never hiding behind my mam's skirt when the camera came out, let's put it that way!
What's the best thing about photo shoots?
They're a great laugh - we get to spend loads of time together and whenever that happens we always end up having the craic.
And what's the worst?
Well it's the fact that we usually look so bad cos we've been working late the night before and then have a shoot first thing and end up looking like zombies! It's not very fair on the fans.
Who's the vainest member of Westlife?
We're probably all as bad as each other! I don't think it's us being necessarily vain, we just want to look our best for the fans - they don't want pictures of an ugly band all over their wall now do they!?"
Who pulls the cheesiest poses?
Oh that would be me, easily! I'm such a cheesy grinner! It never happened before I was in the band - but now I just can't stop it! It just kind of pops out from nowhere as soon as the flash goes off!
Who's the goon who's always blinking or looking the wrong way in shoots?
Nicky always looks really strange cos he'll be looking all normal but as soon as the flash goes he pulls out this pout! It's so weird as soon as you notice it.
What's your most embarrassing photo shoot story?
I do look at most pictures of myself and cringe at that massive cheeky grin of mine. I've tried to stop it, I really have, but it always sneaks in when the flash goes off!
Who complains the most about how they look in pics?
Bryan and Mark never really care about how they look, they just go 'Ah! Bad picture - whatever', but me, Shane and Nicky always go spare looking at snaps of ourselves. We're such old women!
People think photo shoots are all glitz and glamour - how true is this?
Ha! Ha! Ha! That's so far from the truth. A photo shoot is a long day where you stand on your feet all day and get really tired.
Do you ever play jokes on one another when you're about to have your pic taken?
Our tour manager does that all the time - he's always sticking his fingers up behind our heads and flicking our ears!
What would you do to get someone to laugh in a picture?
Do you know the film the Goonies? Well I just do an impression of Chunk from the movie, and starts talking away in his hight-pitched, whiney voice - the guys love that, that'll get them laughing definitely, especially Shane!
And finally, whose photo shoot would you most like to be a fly on the wall at?
Oh Mariah Carey definitely.
Mark part of this interview
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