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Do you like having your picture taken?
Yeah I do, but a lot of it boils down to how you're feeling on the day. Sometimes you can really get into it and you're posing away and other times, well, you just can't be bothered.

Did you enjoy having your snap taken when you were a kid?
Quietly I did, I was neve one to dive straight in whenever a camera was pulled out but then again I never went running either. Secretly I loved it though!

What's the best thing about photo shoots?
When you get to dress up! I love it! I'd love to dress up as another band, I can remember seeing a shoot Boyzone did as the Spice Girls! That would be great! Or perhaps we could be made up ass Five?!

And what's the worst?
You're on your feet all day, that's definitely the worst thing. You can be standing there for two hours solid without moving - that can be a killer.

Who's the vainest member of Westlife?
We're all vain a little bit but it's got to be Kian - though he'll kill me for saying it!

Who takes the longest to get ready?
Ha! Ha! Got to be Kian again. It takes him all day to do his hair!

Who pulls the cheesies poses?
Oh my God! It's Kian again! Ha! Ha! Ha! He's got this amazingly cheesy grin! It's so funny! Although saying that I have got a bit of a cheesy pout to confess to! I don't know what to do in front of the camera and so I just pull my pout out of pocket. Bryan always gives me stick for that!

Who's the goon who's always blinking or looking the wrong way in shoots?
Mark. We all get caught at some stage but he's nearly always looking the wrong way!

What would happen on your ideal photo?
I think it would be dressing up like I said before. Maybe get us done up as the Beatles or five Elvis Presleys and then get us on stage going for it, that would be great!

Who complains the most about how they looks in pics?
Probably me or Kian. I know everyone complains about the odd photo - Bryan says 'Oh, I look hideous' and then forgets about it - but I'll be crucifying myself about a bad pic for ages.

People think photo shoots are all glitz and glamour - how true is this?
That is so un-true! They are so dull and boring, and when you've had a million flash-bulbs going off in your face it becomes really tiring.

What would you do to get someone to laugh in a picture?
I don't know whether I can say! Oh go on then... I'd drop my trousers!

And finally, whose photo shoot would you most like to be a fly on the wall at?
Oh it would have to be the Spice Girls. I'd love to see how they really got on when no one was around, and how much they really bicker, cos I'm sure they do. Oh, and it would be cool to see them getting changed too! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Bryan part of this interview

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