Conduct/Behavior Disorders
"Conduct or behavior disorder" is a sort of catch-all group used to describe a group of behavioral and emotional problems among children and adolescents.  Children with conduct disorders often exhibit four main traits: aggression to people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness, lying or stealing, and serious violation of rules in a repetitive or persistent manner.  The Center for Mental Health Services says that children with the disorder, "repeatedly violate the personal or property rights of others and the basic expectations of society."  Conduct disorder afflicts as many 10% of children in the United States.  These types of disorders lead to all types of psychological difficulties including ADHD and Autism.

As with most psychological disorders, the exact causes of conduct or behavior disorders are unknown.  Some psychologists suggest that inconsistent rules and harsh discipline, lack of enough supervision or guidance, frequent change in caregivers, poverty, neglect, or abuse, or a delinquent peer group can lead to conduct disorders.  Many times, children with conduct disorders go on to have difficulties later in their adult life with social rules and the law.

Treatment for conduct disorders involves mostly therapy within the family such as, parent training and problem solving skills for the child among other things.  The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education outlines specific guidelines for treatment on their website.
Center for Mental Health Services- Conduct disorder in children and adolescents.
AACAP Fact Sheet for Families
Internet Mental Health- info from different sources on the web
Behavioral Disorders- Focus on Change- a good description of possible treatments
Reinforcements Methods and Variations in the Clinical Treatment of Challenging Behaviors- a very detailed, specific study
ODD and Conduct Disorder in children and Adolescents: Diagnosis and Treatment- a rather long webpage that includes a lot of information about Oppositional Defiant Disorder