
Probably The Biggest Waste of Space.

Updated: April 19th 2000







I have been thinking...you know, we're sort of raised within parameters, we're sort of raised to understand what it is to be a good person, and so it seems that so much of our childhood is about meeting the expectations of all the people around us. Meeting the expectations of our parents, our teachers, our coaches--eventually our bosses--and we're sort of, you know, always looking outside ourselves for how to be. And it's exciting after a certain point in your life when you can start to make up the rules rather then following the rules, and decide for yourself how you want to be rather than constantly meeting the needs and expectations of everyone else and...I love that. I love playing with that idea.


Just to let you guys know, there wont be any major updates in the coming weeks. I've been damn busy lately. There will be some additions, but nothing big. Feel free to check back though. I will be writing and adding some things around here. Don't worry, I haven't given up. Oh yeah, There will be a new review up in aboot a month or so. Those of you who know me well enough should know what it is.

And for those Mallrat fans(and Kevin Smith fans for that matter) I stumbled accross this little article. Some will get it, others will stare in confusion. Just click HERE.

What Pisses Me Off.

I would like to make a little statement here. Umm, I don't know where to start, so I guess this will have to do.

This site has become a lot more popular then I ever thought it would be. I started it cause I wanted to be as cool as my best friend Bill, who made his own site.
Umm, I basicly started it 'cause I thought it would be a good way to vent my thoughts and bitch a lot. But there is only so much complaining I can do. That's why I want to ask whoever is actually reading this, a favor. I want you to send me a short summory of something or things, that annoy the hell outta you. I will then post it on my page. I want to get a lot of different views on different things. So please, take this into consideration, sit down at your computer, bust up my email address and just bitch! Let it all out, cause I'll be here to let the rest of the world read it.

My good friend Alix's contribution to my page: (note: no grammer and puntuation has been changed.)

"my roomate Missy 'rockstar' Rachmaciej can't stand it when people touch her underwear!!!"

I am as confused as you...

"I drive a Dodge Stratus!!!!!!!"