Some of these are in english, la mayoría está en español. Todas representan frases importantes en mi vida. They all represent important phrases in my life...
These two are not phrases, but great compositions:
The song "Luiza" by Antonio Carlo Jobim,
and the poem "Ultimos Instantes" by Jorge Luis Borges.
Besides you are invited to pay my newest site a visit. It's called El rincón de Benedetti,
and as you may suppose it contains both, links to related sites, and poems by him.
"Construimos nuestro mundo personal sereno o salvaje,
según lo que deseemos vivir.
Podemos tejer una paz absoluta en medio del caos.
Podemos destruir en medio del paraíso.
Todo depende de cómo demos forma a nuestro espíritu."
Richard Bach, Alas para vivir (Running from safety)
"Privarse uno mismo del amor
es la decepción más terrible:
es una pérdida eterna
para la cual no existe enmienda
ni en el tiempo,
ni en la eternidad."
Kierke Ghard
"Cuando desespero, recuerdo que en la historia
los caminos de la verdad y el amor siempre han ganado.
Ha habido tiranos y asesinos,
y en un momento parecieron invencibles,
pero al final siempre han caído.
Piénsalo: siempre."
"I want to know God's thoughts:
The rest are details."
Albert Einstein
"Never give up on what you want to do.
The person with big dreams
Is more powerful than the one with all the facts."
"Watch for big problems.
They disguise big opportunities."
"Be bold and courageous.
When you look back on your life,
You'll regret the things you dindn't do
More than the ones you did."
"Don't climb up too close to God!
He might shake the tree!"
From the film "Disclosure"
"I've studied now Philosophy and Jurisprudence,
Medicine, and even Alas! Theology;
All through and through with ardour keen!
Here now I stand, poor, fool, and see I'm just as wise as formerly."
"No se olvida
Lo que se aprende con lagrimas en los ojos..."
"La madurez llega con su relámpago de sabiduría
cuando uno ya no tiene donde caerse sabio."
Mario Benedetti
"Te propongo construir un nuevo canal
sin exclusas ni excusas
que comunique por fin
con mi natural pacifico"
"The significant problems we face
cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."
Albert Einstein
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Stephen Covey (First Things First)