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Cliquez sur les têtes de David Byrne pour découvrir...LES SONS!!!
Click on David Byrne's heads to discover...SOUNDS!!!

Petites chansons bonus/Little bonus songs
Satisfaction - Devo

You've Been Around - Reeves Gabrels (avec/with David Bowie & Gary Oldman)
Pulses (Music for 18 Musicians)-Steve Reich
Little Wonder (Danny Saber Dance Mix)-David Bowie
Father Lucifer (Sylkscreen Remix)-Tori Amos
A Small Plot Of Land (Basquiat version)-David Bowie
Blue Skies-BT & Tori Amos

Visitors :

Un concert de David Byrne/A David Byrne concert
Le site Virgin de David Byrne/The David Byrne's Virgin site

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