Epiphone Supernova -Noel's signature Epiphone. Its a semi-hollow bodied beauty. Noel used it on the Be Here Now album.
Union Jack Epiphone Riviera Custom - Probably Noel's most famous and recognizable guitar. Meg had this guitar customized for Noel with the Union Jack paint job. He played this guitar everywhere from Maine Rd. to the Champegne Supernova video.
Gibson Les Paul Elite- This is one of Noel's more recent guitars. It has "F-holes" and a beautiful silver sparkle top. Don't quote me on this but I think he may have debuted it at the Tibetan Freedom Concert in '97. But he's played it many places since then including the Letterman show and Saturday Night Live, where they allowed oasis to perform 2 songs which isn't the norm. height=100 width=150>
Rickenbacker 620- This is another great guitar. Its a semi-hollow body guitar that Noel played in the Don't Go Away video. It's white with a black pickguard.
Rickenbacker 620- This is similar to a guitar John Lennon used to have. It's black with a white pick guard. It can be seen on the cover of the Supersonic single on the floor underneath the piano that Noel is sitting on.

Much more to come I just need to find time to work on it.