AMORE.NET is comprised of five independent pages in content : SLAVE TO THE WAVE, a multimidia index of pop/rock artists/bands of the eighties; THE CHAMBER, a photography and arts page; THE FUSE, home of the independent Brazilian alternative music label Fuse Records; A PAIXÃO DE SERENA, fiction in Portuguese only, sorry; and RADIOECSTASY, weekly radio program.
A PAIXÃO DE SERENA - Sunday evenings.
SLAVE TO THE WAVE - Saturday evenings.
RADIOECSTASY - Thursday evenings.
THE FUSE - once a month, no rules.
THE CHAMBER - occasionally, as soon as we produce or receive enough material (something like once every two months).
The site was kicked on a Macintosh Performa 6320 and now it's on a G3 333MHz, with 256 MB of RAM and an Epson Expression 636 Artist Model scanner.
HTML - GoLive Cyberstudio 3.0 / 3.1.1, Symantec Visual Page, Simple Text
GRÁPHICS - Photoshop 4 / 5 with Extensis plugins and KPT, Macromedia Fireworks, Flash 2 / 3, Freehand 7.0.2 / 8.0.1, QuickTime 4 Pro, Gif Builder and Graphic Converter. Infini-D, Corel Draw 6 and Illustrator 7 have also been occasionally tried.
ÁUDIO / VÍDEO - Macromedia Sound Edit 16 2.0.7, Simple Sound, QuickTime 3 Pro, Adobe Premiere 4.2.1 and Real Player.
Ricardo Valença Monteiro, 34, musician, journalist and amateur photographer. Together with six other journalists and a designer, he put up RADAR 9, a small web design company. (Visit RADAR 9 for our resumé). Born and living in Recife, Brazil.

Cute in a 1993 picture.

The anxiety for a page that never loads...(recent)