Hello. I'm trying to share some information about moding and building music related hardware.

Here's what you'll find here:

In order not to be repetitive, whenever I talk about subjects like the Fuzz Face, Tube Screamer or Bassman '59, I will put links to people on the net that have done VERY, VERY good jobs about them. Take a look at AMPAGE's resources, and search for GEO, DMZ, Leper's Schematics, Aron's Stompbox, etc. However, I will put on this page mods and tips about these subjects if I think they're original (= I didn't see it nowhere else).

Now, hands at work. Here are the first topics:

What's NEW! - The AR-15 power supply schematic is now on line. In the miscellaneous schematics section, the BOSS SD-1 schematic has some capacitor values corrected. There's also a pickup switching scheme for two humbuckers and a PSPICE model for the 12AX7 that takes in account the "bending" of the curves for low plate voltages.

Egberto Gismonti's "Janela de Ouro"

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Last changed March 14th, 2000.

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