The Shrine by J.W. Waterhouse

Darling give me your absence tonight
Take the shade from the canvas and leave me the white
Let me sink in the silence that echoes inside
And don't bother leaving the light on
'Cuz suddenly I feel like a different person
From the roots of my soul come a gentle coercion
And I ran my hand o'er a strange inversion
A vacancy that just did not belong
The child is gone

Honey help me out of this mess
I'm a stranger to myself
But don't reach for me, I'm too far away
I don't wanna talk 'cuz there's nothing left to say
So my
Darling, give me your absence tonight
Take all of your sympathy and leave it outside
'Cuz there's no kind of loving that can make this all right
I'm trying to find a place I belong
And I suddenly feel like a different person
From the roots of my soul come a gentle coercion
And I ran my hand o'er a strange inversion
As the darkness turns into the dawn
The child is gone
The child is gone

The Child is Gone, by Fiona Apple

Welcome to my webpage whose title is inspired by Kate Bush's album The Sensual World. Kate's voice and musical skill is simply gorgeous! Below I have a link to the most comprehensive page on the internet about Kate Bush, Gaffaweb.

There really is no theme to my page. This is basically a forum for my interests. There's a section about me which isn't very developed, but you can go ahead and check it out. If you want to know more, feel free to e-mail me!

The rainbow bar dividers below are links to the Gay America Home Page. It's a really cool page with a lot of information pertaining to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender interests!

Gay America

My Sweeet Rose by J.W. Waterhouse

If you want to find out more about me, this is where you go...

Gay America

The Lady of Shalott by J.W. Waterhouse

Storyland is where you can find lots of my favorite lyrics, a few poems, and essays. I want to expand this section to include short stories.

Gay America

a big loan from the girl zone

a big loan from the girl zone is my little web-shrine to Tori Amos. She is a goddess among goddesses. You can find lyrics, links, trades, and where to find Tori merchandise and video clips on the internet here, as well as pertinent Tori news.

Gay America

I'd really like to know who's been visiting my page and what you all think of it.
Usually, people never e-mail me despite my many pleas,
so I figure this is an easier way for us to introduce ourselves.

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Last updated on Monday, November 9, 1998.
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