|<----1 inch--->|
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0====|=====0 <---Hole for upper bolt & nut
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| -----||----- | <---Slits cut 8mm either side, with small blade wedged between,
| | | with cutting edge facing downward at 45° angle.
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0====|=====0 <---Hole for lower bolt & nut
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- Two Hardwood sections each 3/4 inch wide x 1/2inch thick x 2&1/4inches long.
- 2 - 1/8th inch diameter bolts w nuts about 1 inch long (if routing each wood section to submerge bolt and nuts, otherwise 1&1/4 inch long.
- Single-edged razor blade: Break off a triangular corner. Position blade so that cutting edge faces downwards at about a 45° angle. Mark one side of slitter for film entry so film enters against the cutting edge.
- Ultra-fine grade sandpaper.
- Aluminum or silver spray paint, if you want to paint the wood to seal it.
- Place film to be slit on a 16mm takeup reel of manageable size (50ft, 100ft etc).
- Place reel of film on a rewind setup, on the left rewind.
- Cut end of film to be slit straight across or at an angle. Push the end of the film into the film slitter until enough emerges from opposite side to grab it. Then pull thru several inches of film.
- Place two Regular 8mm 50ft takeup reels back to back on the other rewind. Using a small piece of vinyl electrical tape, tape the reels together at the top and also at the bottom, using about 1/2inch to 3/4inch piece of tape. Then tape a piece across the spindle since the clamp won't close with two film reels on the rewind. This will hold them in place.
- Insert the film ends making sure that there is as even tension as possible on the two already slit lengths of film. Wrap film around takeup reels a couple of turns to secure it.
- Hold the slitting block carefully between the rewinds to prevent binding or twisting of the film, and then wind the right side rewind while holding the slitting block. The film will slit and take up on the two reels.
- Once slit, place the outside takeup reel onto the left side rewind. Then splice the two 25ft etc film sections together at this point, and transfer film from right side rewind to the left side rewind. The film is now completely slit and in correct orientation. Attach film leader as necessary, and clean and lubricate film prior to any projection or telecine transfer work.
Best wishes,
See Martin's WWW site at: Plattsburgh Photographic Services
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