Doro Pesch
'Für Immer'

Welcome to my page dedicated to the greatest woman ever,..Doro.
I've been a huge fan of Doro since 1987, and i'll be hooked forever.
There's not words enough to describe how much Doro means to me & my life,
..she's just the greatest. I hope that you'll like my page, and if you have time
please sign my Doro guestbook. Nina = Dorofan.

I've won my first award.!

Dorothee Pesch was born on June 3rd 1964 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Doro discovered her passion for music at an early age. In high school she turned to her 2nd hobby, drawing. And she studied to become a graphic designer and typesetter. And with everything in her life, Doro completed her training with ambition and diligence. This paid off some time later when Doro could enjoy international acclaim for designing all of her own record covers.

As music is Doro's first love, she got a garage band together called Snakebite in Düsseldorf. At the time she began that band, her musical influences were KISS, Led Zeppelin and Judas Priest.
January 1983 Doro founded the band Warlock, and they were quickly a known name. And the bands' first album ''Burning The Witches'' came out in 1984. The 2nd album ''Hellbound''came out in early 1985. And in Germany and abroad the reviews were excellent.-The bands' greatest capitol, however, was their steadily growing legion of faithful fans.

Warlock's 3rd album ''True As Steel'' came out in 1986. And that summer, Doro & Warlock opened the British Monsters Of Rock festival, making her the first woman to break into the male- dominated world. At the end of 1986, Doro moved to New York. And the 4th album ''Triumph & Agony'' came out in 1987 followed by an eight-month tour of the USA. ''Triumph & Agony'' became a sensational sucsess. And by the beginning of 1989, Doro was awarded her first gold record with sales of over 400,000 units.

Early 1989 the 5th album ''Force Majeure'' was released. With new musicians behind her, Doro returned to Europe where she co- headlined the totally sold out Metal Hammer Anniversary Festval in Dortmund's Wesfalenhalle. And after that show and nomerous other events,..Doro went back in the studio in the autumn og 1990. This time the producer was Gene Simmons of KISS . The result of their co-operative effort, entitled simlpy ''Doro'', was released in the spring of 1990. This was followed in early 1991 by an exquisite collection of the best songs from Doro's six albums. The choice of the titles to be included on the ''Rare Diamonds'' was left to the members of Doro's international fan club. (Which i'm proud to say i was apart of.)

Doro's next album was called ''True At Heart'', a very personal album with a lot of blues and jazz-influenced tracks alongside the usual up-tempo rockers. ''Angels Never Die'' released in 1993 was the 8th album from Doro,..and after a very successful tour, there was released a live cd & video from this tour.

In March 1995, two years after the release of ''Angels Never Die'', the new Doro album ''Machine II Machine'' was released. This album marked a dramatic change in style,..musically there are a lot of industrial-sounding songs, and some of the lyrics have (in Doro's own words)''a very dark and erotic feel''.

Doro's career seems to be going from strenght to strenght, and i'm sure we all look forward to hearing more from the one and only queen, Doro Pesch in the near future. Doro just released her 10th album called ''Love Me In Black'' on May 25th (1998). -Rock on girl. And if you're reading this,..THANK YOU so very very much for the two times you've made me the happiest girl on earth. Thanx for caring about your fans Doro. You truly are the best forever.

Rock on Doro,..für immer

Doro Fan Club:

The Ultimate Doro Clan
P.O.Box 105313
40044 Dusseldorf, Germany.

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Pix that Doro has autographed to me

Doro inspired me to write a song that i called 'Angels Never Die'!

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