During the month I spent living on the streets, Cavan had a birthday party, and invited lots of people. At the time, I was engaged to Fran (who slept over at Cav's even though she had told her father she was staying at a friend's house), so naturally I was drinking heavily. However, one of the memorable Kuru moments occurred in the early evening, when I've usually had less than 10 drinks (i.e. before the party actually starts).
Now, you have to know Fran. Fran is a jazz enthusiast. She likes a lot of music, but she's a jazz girl at heart.
She also likes sitting around in coffee shops listening to jazz music.
Imagine her surprise when Brent and Jay put on some jazz.
Imagine her greater surprise when they commenced to slam-dance to it.
Not to mention when they took that off, and sat down quietly to listen intently to death metal.
After she was sure they were insane, and we'd knocked back a couple of Daly's Handmade Screwdrivers (and a rum-and-Jolt for me), Brent decided to test the limits of our musical tolerance, by putting a song on repeat. The song happened to be Bitch Better Get My Money. Although it is lyrically rich, it gets tedious after you've heard it four times.
Fran was counting, and I think we reached nine repeats before someone convinced the CD player to stop.
The rest of the evening was spent cavorting around with "Joan Cusack," Cav's new inflatable friend, as well as a dollar-store personal massage wand, some items designed to make the personal massage wand taste like chocolate, and something I don't even think I want to mention.
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