Sit down, relax, the insence is burning and it's a beautiful day! I'm constantly working on making this a fun and informative place to visit, so let me know what you think and sign my guestbook below... Have fun!
Some music news...
It's all about a band called "Gomez". If you havent heard these guys.. they're amazing. I strongly encourage you to catch one of their live shows (full US tour Feb2000). They have 2 releases on Virgin Records.. last years "Bring It On" is absolutely incredible and the new release "Liquid Skin" rocks out. You wont be dissapointed, these lads from across the pond are brilliant musicians, I cant say enough great things about them. Ok kids... Beastie Boys Greatest Hits will be out in November...late November... and will have 2 new songs on the double cd set. You can view videos and buy cool stuff on their website quick link here. Radiohead is in the studio, the new record should be ready for release in early 2000. The new Rage Against the Machine cd has been pushed back AGAIN, I'm hearing November now. Also, look for a band called Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (Fat Records Punk Rock All-Stars)... they have a cd out of cover tunes of old favorites (punk rock style, Leaving on a Jet Plane, Me and Julio down by the Schoolyard, etc.), they have a new one out of Broadway hits!! It's great! If you have any questions regarding the American music scene, e-mail me below and I will try to answer your questions.
How you can help Tibetan Monks in India
As many of you know, I am currently active in the fight to free Tibet. I cannot imagine a life where I am tortured and raped for displaying my country's flag, believing in my own religion and recognizing my spiritual leader. I sponsor Tibetan Monks who have recently come over to India from a life of struggle and inprisonment in Tibet. Most of these monks are sick with TB and frostbite (among other things) and are currently attending the Sermey Monestary in South India for their education. I write to my friends, Rinchen and Thupten Dorjee, and send them a little money each month ($30). I send this money directly to them and not through an agency. This money helps them with their health and their education, and of course due to their wonderful nature, they share it with others in the monestary. After the first few letters it was clear to me that they were in very poor health, I was desperate to get them some medical attention. I searched and found an amazing woman called Dr. Marsha. She runs the Tibetan Refugee Health Care Project and told me what to do link to her site. She has an amazing organization that could use volunteers and donations (not just monetary). If you are interested in helping or would like to know how you can help in other ways, please e-mail me for more information about the Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation (Association of Love and Compassion) or the Tibetan Refugee Healthcare Project. This is absolutely the most wonderful journey I have ever embarked on. Your help will go a long way.
To see the article I wrote for the Students For a Free Tibet Newsletter, link HERE
What color is my hair this week? HAHAHA only kidding....Thanks to all who played my trivia contest...I will have a new one soon!!
free tarot card readings
Ultimate Band List
Mapquest: get driving directions by the click of your mouse, wherever you want to go!
Kurt Cobain's Magic Talking 8-Ball
Official Toadies Homepage
Music Business Yellow Pages
Here is a link for all you do-it-yourself (DIY) musicians out there
Capitol Records..gotta plug the employers!
Virgin Records...All in the Family!
Cant forget my Beastie Boys and their Superfriends!!
The Milarepa Fund
The Dharma Home Companion: A Site Devoted to the Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism
What you can do to help free Tibet
Tibetan Human Rights Information
Toward A Free Tibet
Friends of Buddhism: A Great Site!
Office of Tibet
The History of Tibetan Women Freedom Fighters
International Campaign for Tibet
Tibet Online Resource Guide
Tibetan Refugee Health Care Project
If you have any suggestions or ideas, please e-mail me, just click on the "e-mail me" animated icon and let me know. Otherwise, please have fun and sign my guestbook!
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I should tell you how I got involved in the lives of Thupten and Rinchen. I was moved to tears after meeting H.H. the Dalai Lama in 1991, this is when I first learned about Tibet and it’s people. I always wanted to help, but like many others, didnt know where to turn. I didnt think that one person could make a difference in such a worldly affair. Many years went by and I decided I could sit still no longer, I had to do something. Desperate to find some way to help, I turned to the Internet. I found many great organizations such as Milarepa and Students for a Free Tibet and like many others, made myself available to them. I was still searching to find something special I could do, I wanted to do more. I entered a Buddhist Chat room one evening and met an American Lama. Lama Changchup is a kind man who shared many stories with me. He told me of his most recent trip to Dharamsala, India in March where he met many monks who recently arrived from Tibet. These travellers arrived in India in poor health, having lost friends along the way on their foot journey from their homeland. It was then that he told me about the monk he sponsored and the many others who needed help.
My friend the Lama, is part of the Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation (Association of Love and Compassion). This foundation is dedicated to sustaining the survival of the Tibetan people and give life and hope to these individuals and their culture through one-to-one sponsorship. It is with these people that I found that I as an individual can make a difference in the lives of the Tibetan people.
Thupten Dorjee and Rinchen were born in their native Tibet under the occupation of China and in March of this year travelled to Dharamsala. Surviving the journey by foot over the grand Himalayas is only the first step in their quest for freedom. When the Tibetan refugees arrive in India, most are homeless and in urgent need of healthcare, education and employment. From the very first letter I received from Thupten and Rinchen, it was made clear to me that they were in very poor health and needed immediate medical assistance. I didnt know how to help from so far away - so again I went to the internet. I knew of a group of lawyers who offered their sevices to Tibetans, and knew there had to be a group of doctors who did the same - there just had to be.
I encountered the Tibetan On-line Resource Guide (link listed in the main section of this page), which had volumes of information, it was here that I found Dr. Marsha. I saw a listing for The Tibetan Refugee Health Care Project, wow, perfect just what I needed! Dr. Marsha is the core of this organization which consists of the doctor, and a few volunteers. Dr. Marsha has visited the re-settlement camps in India for the past 18 years and sat vigil with the hunger strikers early this year. She is committed to give medical treatment to Tibetan people who are ill, educate Tibetans about preventative measures and train qualified Tibetans to be volunteers or practitioners. I called her on the phone and told her my story, she knew of the Sermey Monastery University where Thupten and Rinchen are and told me to send them to see Pempba Labrang in ByLakkupe “And be sure to tell him Dr. Marsha sent you!”. She assured me that he would give them the medical assistance they need.
I am honored to help my friends Thupten Dorjee and Rinchen. I am not famous, I don’t have alot of money, I dont have the power of a school or corporation or government to back me. I am just me, and I make a difference, a big difference.
I believe that I will see a Free Tibet in this lifetime and I vow to do my best to do what I can to take care of the Tibetan people so they can return to Lhasa healthy, educated and skilled. We all make a difference in all these lives by the actions we take, no matter how big or small. There are so many ways to help that dont require a large bank account, and I thank organizations like Milarepa and SFT for spreading the word and helping so much.
Today, Independence Day, I place my picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in my home for all the Tibetans who cannot, and I raise my Tibetan flag for all the Tibetans who cannot and I pray for a peaceful resolution. I am blessed by letters from Thupten Dorjee and Rinchen and I pray they see the freedoms that are rightly their own. If you want further information about the Jamtse Tsokpa Foundation or the Tibetan Refugee Health Care Project, please contact me. FREE TIBET NOW!
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