Pick the caption page! These are weird pictures which are just begging to be made fun of.
True dat.
1. Heather fixes her hair in anticipation of her picture with Bryan.
2. Bryan gets a little too excited in anticipation of his picture with Heather.
3. Bryan tries to hide the fact that his mouth is stuffed with a bagel as he poses for a prank picture with Heather.
4. Bryan and Heather are happy together!
5. What the heck is Bryan doing with his right hand?!?
1. Well... that was a goood prommmm, *hic*.
2. Frankenstein's monster is dead!
3. This is one boring prom.
4. Who shot Brian Lime?
5. His crack habit finally got the best of him.
1. Brian didn't get a lot of sun in Colorado
2. Bryan didn't get a lot of sleep in Colorado
3. "Why yes, Mister Backas, I do say, that is a mighty fine toothbrush!"