The logo of D:A:D
Burning Torches At Roskilde
Identification: HCD 062 The frontcover of Burning Torches At Roskilde
Place: Roskilde Festival - Roskilde, Denmark
Date: July 2nd 2000
Total play-time: 1 hour, 4 minutes & 11 seconds
Number of CD-R's: 1

How is the bootleg:


 This is an FM-outtake from the concert that was ending the Roskilde 

 Festival 2000. On this festival 9 people were killed on a Pearl Jam show 

01 - Interview With Jesper Binzer

just 2 days before this show, on the same stage as well. D:A:D honored the

02 - Something Good

victims on a great way, and made a fine show as well.

03 - Grow Or Pay

What I have done with the bootleg:

04 - Home Alone

 I have tried to tune down some of the commercials that was played 

05 - Nineteenhundredandyesterday

between the songs. No songs are damaged by them by the way. I have also

06 - Sunstar

made the covers for this bootleg.

07 - Everything Glows

Members Of The Band:

08 - Evil Twin
Jacob Binzer - Guitar 09 - The Road Below Me
Jesper Binzer - Vocals & Guitar 10 - Sleeping My Days Away
Stig Pedersen - Bass 11 - Jihad
Laust Sonne - Drums 12 - I'm Not The Same
13 - It's After Dark
Send e-mail to heike1904@yahoo.com if you have any questions concerning this web-site.
Last changed: 24.04.2001