Sound Barrier

The Sound Barrier Project

Welcome. Sound Barrier is a Progressive Rock project based in Cardiff, featuring the composition and bass playing of Sam Roads and the woodwind virtuosity of John Davis.

Sam has played in Glyn Powell's New Jazz Inc and Crystal Eyes, with several appearances on Welsh Television and Radio. He has a degree in Classical Music Composition but Sound Barrier focuses on driving jazz rhythms in an electric rock sound-world.

John specialises in Folk and Baroque playing and is a founder member of Windblown. He met Sam shortly after completing a Performance Music Degree on the oboe.

Two pieces are featured here, Underneath and Light Luggage. You can download mp3s of the music and play a Midi version of Light Luggage.

If you like Sound Barrier Music please email Sam. You might also like to visit the links page.

[Underneath] [Light Luggage] [Links] [email Sound Barrier]