Studio Notes & Comments: an "old classic" Electric Yoghurt rock/pop song, given new life! This was the third recording of the song! The original was recorded way back 1998 on our old Fostex analog 4-track, with the levels so high that the whole recording was distorted! The second version was recorded soon after getting the digital 4-track, but suffered from a number of problems that included 1) vocals that were almost inaudible in places, 2) some dodgy guitar tones and 3) the accidental wiping of the first 10 seconds of the drum track after the song was completed! On this new version, all of these problems have been overcome:
1) thanks to the improved condensor mic and compressor
2) thanks to the use of the POD
3) thanks to the idiot engineer (i.e, ME!) not recording over the drum track this time.
This version of the song ended up having a completely different feel from the previous versions, mainly due to the fact that Jimmy used an acoustic guitar to record the basic rhythm track. After our experiences in S.A.E. studios re-recording "Flying Away", we decided to mic the Ibanez AE30, instead of using its electric capabilities. Having tried out some of our mic collection, the Audio-technica MB3000C condenser won hands-down and the result was very nice indeed. The same mic also worked wonders on the vocals.........Jimmy sings this one at a very restrained level, so a good mic with liberal use of compression is pretty essential to get a decent vocal recording in the mix. With the miraculous POD providing the guitar/amp tones, this turned out pretty well :-)