A Kind Of Magic

International Queen Fan Club


Versión en Español


Yeah! The A Kind Of Magic fan club is back!

The fan club yearly membership includes four magazines a year with colour covers, information, English and Spanish version, messages from the members, lyrics, games, etc.

And we're also going to organize fan meetings soon so that we can meet each other.

To join our club you have to send, with your payment,

 Your name & surname

 Birth date

 Phone number (don't forget the area code)

 E-mail (if you have one)

 Complete address

 Language in which you would like to receive the magazines (English or Spanish)

to this address:

Primera Junta 229

(cp:6000) Junín (Bs.As.)


Phone: +54 - 02362 - 420274

Cellular phone: +54 - 02362 -15679050

The yearly membership fee is $16 for Argentina and $20 for the rest of the world, that should be paid in AMERICAN DOLLARS (U$S) or ARGENTINIAN PESOS ($).

Besides, now you have the opportunity to pay every 6 months half of the price that correspond to a year!


If you have any doubt you can either write to the address above, call to the telephone number or send an e-mail message to pandy@infovia.com.ar


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