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Go Ask June

Sadness and his Infinite Homepage


This is NOT a personal page anymore. This is Mighell P.'s demo tape promoting page.
If you still want to hear my music, read on, if you'd like to find more about me, my poems, friends, etc. click here to go to my personal page.

Collide, Divide, Shatter... Welcome to Mighell.

This here is a page full of Sadness. For Sadness is a big part of me.

I am a guitar player who's still looking for those perfect bandmates. So far, I have assembled a bunch of demo recordings and such banter on tape under my assumed name, Mighell P., also known to some as Sadness.

If you want a copy of this Demo Tape just email me your mailing address at:

I have recently included a page of news about what I've been working on recently. It will be updated frequently so don't forget to check back. =0)

Till next time, this is Sadness bidding Farewell.

Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff.

And as my good friend Phil would say:


Upon some people's requests I have decided to include the long lost lyrics to the original songs on my demo tape. I have also included a tracklist of the original tapes and a copy of the original liner notes of the tape.

Now available is a page of reviews that my friends have sent me.

Links to other sites on the Web

This here is my personal page... Learn more about Mighell P. (Sadness) and his antics in The Sad Realms
The Dark Domain... my great friend Orana's amazing story.
Check out SCREAM'S Homepage and visit my friend SCREAM'S world.
And of course, check out Wicce's homepage.

For a free copy of Mighell P.'s demos, just email me! This is not a profit I'm trying to get here... if you want you can send me your snail mail address and you'll get a free tape of my stuff. Delivered right to your door by your friendly neighborhood mailman.

© 1996

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My counter screwed up so I had to put a new one... So I put in a new counter on January 22, '97. So far, whole people showed up to my place!

Sorry Peoples: No Guestbook to view. But rest assured... You're the ten millionth person visiting this page and any comments, questions, insults, death threats... etc. can be mailed to