Play Gaelic
Duisg mo Run Not available
© 1997
Sguaban Arbhair/The sheaves of Corn
Tillidh Mi Not available
Criogal Cridhe Not available
Nach neonach neisd a tha e Not available
Sunndach Not available
Air an Thraigh Not available
De ni mi and Puirt Not available
An Ros Not available
Ceol an Dannsa Not available
Chi mi'n Geamhradh
Cum'ur n'aire
Sguaban Arbhair - The Sheaves Of Corn
Bha mi raoir a' siubhal drathair
Last night I opened a drawer
'S thainig dealbh do mo laimh
And a picture came to hand
Dealbh mo sheannmh'air is mo shean'air
A picture of my grandmother and grandfather
'S balach og na shuidh' ri'n taobh
And a young boy sitting by their side
'S iad ag obair aig na sguaban arbhair
They were working on the corn stacks
Shuidh mi g'an coimhead fad' na h-oidhch'
I sat and looked at this all night
Thainig cianalas na m'chridhe
A deep sorrow came to my heart
'S thainig cuideam na mo laimh
And a great weight came to my hand
[Seist / Chorus]
Uair eile gu bhith dhachaidh
Another chance to be home
Uair eile gu bhith beo
Another chance to be alive
Ruith mu'n cuairt na sguaban arbhair
Running around the stacks of corn
Uair eile gu bhith og
A chance again to be young
Cha'n e aois a tha mi sabaid
It isn't age I'm fighting against
Cha'n e mo bheatha nach eil slan
It isn't my life that's unwell
'S e bhith fuireach ann a' saoghal maide
It's living in a false world
Le chuid daoin' nach tuig mo chainnt
With it's people who don't understand my language
Dh'fhalbh mo sheannmh'air 's mo shean'air
My grandmother and grandfather passed on
Thuit na sguaban arbhair sios
The stacks of corn fell down
Dh'fhalbh mi gu saobhal eile
I left to go to another world
'S dh'fhalbh a' Ghaidhlig bho mo bheul
And Gaelic went from my mouth
[Seist a-rithist / Chorus again]
(C.Macdonald) Isa Music
Cum 'Ur N'Aire/Keep Aware
(from 'Play Gaelic' album 1978)
The geese are rising from the machair
The lambs are running and leaping
At the back of the field
But you are now lost in cities
Never feel alone there
The night lights are now around you
Your moon is now of many types and colours
But look at it with one eye only
Because it can blind you
Keep, keep your awareness
On the West and on the place
That raised you
Remember, remember, never forget
That you left behind
A culture that was special and of worth
(C.Macdonald/R.Macdonald) Isa Music
Chi Mi'n Geamhradh - I see The Winter
(From 'Play Gaelic' album 1978)
Chi mi'n geamhradh 'as a' ghaoith I see the winter in the wind
Chan eil an sheachd' fada bhuainn The snow is not far from us
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan ruisgt Dark clouds and the trees losing leaves
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar The night is cold
Shaoilean fhein gur ann an de So often it feels that it was only yesterday
Bha teas an t-samhraidh 'gar leaghadh The summer heat melted us
Fad an fheasgair air an Dun All evening long out on the Dun
'S tu laighe leisg ri mo thaobh And you lying lazy by my side
'S iomadh oidch' a rinn sinn suiridhe Many night we loved
'S iomadh oidch' a rinn sinn gair Many nights we laughed
'S iomadh oidch'a bhithinn a' smuaintinn Many times I thought
Gum betheadh tu comhla rium gu brath That you would have stayed forever
Chan fhan a' ghrian fad na bliadhna But the sun never shines all year
Cha sheas an uair mar a tha i Time will not stay as it once was
Dh'fhalbh thusa gu'n a'cheo You left me for the city
'S dh'fhag thu mi le mo geamhradh Leaving me to my winter
Chi mi'n geamhradh 'as a' ghaoith I see the winter in the wind
Chan eil an sheachd' fada bhuainn The snow is not far from us
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan ruisgt Dark clouds and the trees losing leaves
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar The night is cold
(C.Macdonald/R.Macdonald) Isa Music